Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with David Arkenstone (Grammy Nominated)
Music Production for Artists & Sound Solutions for Businesses.
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Mix and mastering engineer specialising in pop, indie and alternative genres. My goal is to help artists create timeless tracks with an alternative flavour.
We make great music Great!
Industry experienced music graduate with a demonstrated history of working in music production, audio post-production, and with previous involvement working across multiple media project used within TV and Film.
Producer,Multi instrumentalist,Songwiter,Mixer
Interpretive and technical versatility. Recorded many different genres and styles. Composition degree.
Hi-Fi, Streaming, Vinyl & Cassette (!) ready Mastering, with an artist first approach.
The centerpiece to all your musical goals!
Recent Successes
"Tarra Layne kicks ass. Her voice is amazing, and her enthusiasm for every project we've worked on is unbridled. I am beyond happy."
"I approached ALOU with my project, hoping for a song that was good enough to be in the charts, and I got better! Couldn't be happier with the outcome and quality, and will definitely work together again, soon!"
"Time and time again, I cant stress enough Haydens professionalism and attention to the projects we have worked on. This time hired him for mixing and his skills are 10/10!"
"Brian is a true talent. He remained very attentive with the things that I needed from him and executed perfectly. He’s quick, professional and most importantly, about his business. Will definitely use his services aga..."
"Marco literally never lets me down. A True Musician and at this point a good friend! He is quick to respond and deliver, a great communicator and all in just a great friend of music and art. I can't thank Him enough!!..."
"Always five stars. She works with you to make sure you are getting the lead and bgs you want."