Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Darpo
1+ Billion Streams | Acclaimed Producer & Audio Engineer. With over a decade of experience, specializing in mastering that brings music to life. My work spans genres, from chart-topping pop hits to gritty hip-hop gems.
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Mixing engineer on projects like R.E.M. IX I've Been High, Darko Rundek - Ruke, Letu Štuke, Sarajevo Big Band.
20+ years on guitar. 150 original songs and recordings since 2010. They call me “one take Jake” because of my studio proficiency. I’m an indie rock specialist. Let’s get your track spruced up!
The Game Changer
I'm Effie, singer/songwriter from Los Angeles, but currently based in Mexico (because why not live out the apocalypse by the beach?) I was on American Idol season 1 for ABC's revival back in 2018, where I placed at exactly top 20. Since then, I've been able to perform all over the world, as well as on many different studio projects.
my goal is to reach the deepest possible emotions with a vast musical knowledge and a diversity of musical roots
I’m a signed rapper with Ethika music using my voice for various situations as Radio, voice overs for cartoons & commercials, and tv personality as well .
I established my career as a gifted musical prodigy at the age of twelve. I write and produce new music on a regular basis and work with many gifted artists, producers and writers on collaborative projects as well as music videos and youtubes.
I make clean, professional tracks that will fit your project! I have worked with every major label, and specialize in remote digital music creation. If you need any kind of electronic or pop music, please feel free to reach out!
Recent Successes
"Neil is a guitar legend. You only have to hear his seminal lead and rhythm work with Tears for Fears, amongst many others, to recognise this. He got hold of my song - a very 80s pop inspired production - and took it a..."
"I really enjoyed working with MisterRubato, communication was great, he's a wonderful musician and contributed to our song in a very creative way! "
"Pat is absolutely a talented Producer and musician! He has the ability to share your musical vision and take a project to the next level, and then some... I highly recommend him and am planning our next collaboratio..."
"Andrei has been an absolute pleasure to work with and the results exceeded my expectations. I am so pleased with what he did for the song and can't wait for it to be released. He approached everything with great music..."
"After failing to achieve a satisfactory mix via pro engineers on Fiverr, I discovered Matty via SoundBetter. Working with Matty was a pleasure, the process was painless, and most importantly he delivered an outstandi..."
"Rory is a fantastic singer!!! He was really easy to deal with, finished the gig promptly and nailed it effortlessly. Highly recommended."
"It's the first time Chloe sings for me, and compared to others, Chloe delivers fast, and in a very good quality, and she gives the vocal her personal touch, which I really like. I will definitely ask for Chloes assist..."
"Second time working with Harminder and it was just as smooth as the first time. Great communication throughout, quick turnaround and I was really happy with the final product. Definitely going to work with him again."