Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Daphne Lee Martin
I'm a seasoned producer, studio owner, and multi-instrumentalist with a handful of Grammy nominations.
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I am a Grammy nominated Singer/Songwriter and recording artist , who has been credited on songs for artists like CHRIS BROWN, TREVOR JACKSON, EXO,NCT U and many more. I specialize in R&B SINGING/SONGWRITING , POP WRITING & KPOP WRITING AND Arrangements
The fastest classical guitarist in the world
Award winning songwriter/producer/multi-instrumentalist who has worked with major artists including George Harrison,REM,Alica Keys,and Mick Flannery Billboard Top Twenty compositions, including an upcoming Alicia keys song. Professor in the songwriting & production departments / Berklee College My work is creative, detailed, exciting, next level.
Many years of experience in the music recording and production business specializing in recording, mixing, mastering, editing and instrumental music creation. Currently teaching songwriting and looking for vocalists to produce great songs. CEO of Screen Door Music, ASCAP since 1975. My rates are flexible for the right talent.
Here to share authentic Japanese sounds and create with artists around the world. I have a strong passion for Japanese cultural music and believe in the wonders of sharing it. I hope to be able to connect, share, and expand by working with global artists here!
Producer/composer/writer with placements with notable artists as well as feature film theatrical trailers, full feature film scoring, and commercials.
Top Highest quality Mix And Mastering With over 17 years of experience in the music industry, I specialize in delivering top-quality mixing and mastering services. I believe that my work speaks for itself, and I am committed to ensuring that you, as an artist, receive the quality you deserve.
I WILL write YOUR SONG! Understand you IN HALF WORD: "I want my song to be like…" 📝+🩷 Any artist's STYLE is able to RESEMBLE 🎶
Recent Successes
"Well what can I say. Thomas literally made my song 'SoundBetter'. For anyone looking to get a song done by Thomas take my word, you won't regret it!"
"Great job on mastering my track! "
"I understand there are tons of options on this site to get your project finished, but do yourself a favor and go with Alex. TRUST ME, he's exactly what you're looking for in your engineer. Quick responses, easygoi..."
"Valentine is an incredible singer, songwriter and teacher! She is extremely welcoming and flexible, and always has thoughtful, specific recommendations to move your song (or general songwriting skills) forward. Her to..."
"Thanks Dan.....you are my Quincy Jones.....you are a very talented musician, and it shows in your hard work. ...Dunn"
"Highly recommend selecting Tom for your mastering needs. He’s super professional, knowledgeable, friendly, and always delivers top quality work! Tom always takes my tracks to a new level which gives me a lot of confid..."
"Excellent mix engineer who is a pleasure to work with!"
"Ariel was absolutely phenomenal in mixing and mastering my EP. He always knows how to get every ounce of magic to come through in of every song I’ve given him, through his passion for music and his audio engineering ..."
"Great experience of working with Peter. I asked him to record my digital guitar parts with analog gear. He nailed the tone right the first time and the playing was spotless."