Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Daniel Melingo
I'm a mastering engineer with +10 years of experience working with top international artists in the LATAM most important studio. My goal is to reveal the emotion latent in each song in the most direct way. To achieve this, I offer my solid knowledge in combination with fresh, spontaneous and unprejudiced listening.
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Dan specialises in taking rough song ideas through to cleverly arranged and mixed musical productions in such musical styles as Country, Rock, Pop, Blues, Folk, Reggae. Dan is a highly skilled multi instrumentalist with over 10 years experience in the UK music industry as a Producer, Mix Engineer, Performer and Song Arranger.
I am a music producer and guitarist. I am specialized helping independant artists. I want to know about your project, what makes you move in your life, what you want to achieve with your music so I can focus and create a unique piece of music for u.
Artists at heart and business at mind, Time4Hits is not your average full service studio. We put the focus specifically on the artist and offer a full portfolio of services to empower your talent!
I'll give quality work for good prices.
Forksxstuff is an auditory visual artist who deals in abstract realities. Often blurring the line between realistic imagery and dream imaginary, Forksxstuff keeps his audience engaged in timeless productions.
Iammarcandrew of SmokeHäus who appears on songs with Mikey Dollaz, produced songs for artists such as PMRDimi, Soggy Britches and Iammarcandrew himself! One of the most recommended individuals for ANYTHING music related in Milwaukee, WI. Contact us today!
I will transform your music into a professional masterpiece. I have the skills and experience to produce high-quality music, from arranging, recording and mixing to mastering.
Recent Successes
"Mike recently added horns to a track of mine and did an amazing/incredible job! What an extremely talented/creative/professional individual! Thanks Mike- was such a pleasure working with you :) "
"I collaborated with Eileen on 5 songs, and her talent dazzled me every time. She has an amazing voice, a great writing talent, and communication is just as simple and effective. Thank you!"
"Very nice voice, very professional, very good work. Even though you had to do it twice, you delivered a perfect Job ;) Thanks Andrew - also for your creative inputs! !"
"He is an outstanding Mastering Engineer. He is polite and real gem to work with!.. One can rely on him 100%. Will work with him again for Sure!"
"Perhaps the most unique and powerful of a vocalist you could ask for, I truly can't imagine my project without Morgane. She is also very fastidious and the more info. you can give her the better. I'd imagine you co..."
"Another outstanding arrangement by StringArranger!! Always a joy to work with him. The strings added a real polish to my song. I fully endorse anyone's consideration of using him on your next project!"
"Stem Mastered a track for me. He replies and delivers extremely fast, is very friendly and above all delivers great work!"
"Lars did an astounding job as always on the backing vocals for my progressive pop/rock song. He easily crosses genres, time signatures and tempos, and hits the nail on the end without fail. Delivery times and quality ..."