Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Daniel Graves
Let me help you get the sound you're looking for! No matter how long it takes, I strive to never leave an unhappy client and will make it my personal responsibility to make sure you're happy with the result.
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Grammy Nominated producer,I've worked with Britney Spears,R.Kelly,The Cheetah Girls and many others.I do all genres of music.Lets make some HITS!!!
Hello, I am Sean Pádraig. I have played Armenian duduk for many years and have the finest instruments and recording equipment. I am talented at creating an atmosphere or an emotion to enhance your song or your soundtrack. Hire me to play and record your written part, or send me the music and what you are looking for and I will write one for you.
I have been in the business for 15 years, owned 3 recording studios and toured all over the world with music. Written/Co-written music for commercial radio, film, and touring bands. I respect the art, it's the whole reason we're here.
I'm here to help your music shine. Specializing in electronic music with a warm, gritty edge. My goal is to build lasting working relationships with artists by integrating my skills and ear with your tastes and vision.
Composer/Producer/Mix-Master Engineer
MA & BA Hons graduate music composer with over 10 years industry experience. Songwriter? Singer? Film director? Got a banging theme, concept or idea? Want an unforgettable instrumental or film score? Want your album mixed? I will work with you to bring your product to life. All types, all genres, all vibes - I've got it covered.
My name is "Jen Perr". I am an artist, author and composer based in France.
I am a music producer with 20+ years of experience in producing, recording, mixing & engineering.
Recent Successes
"Jonas comes through once again with a tight, accurate, fast, layered performance of his 24 violins. He also cranked out a stellar solo performance on a very difficult solo. "
"Another song transformed into something amazing! Looking forward to complete the rest of the songs with Marc!!!"
"I just had a great experience with Richard on my last project. Amazing voice colour with good output and technique. Delivered on time, high quality source files and stems, and was highly communicative and professi..."
"This is the type of professionalism I've been looking for. Great communication. Perfect parts recorded first go. And the best part, no revisions needed. Thankyou 305 horns for a streamline experience. highly recommend..."
"Very pleased with the master from Tom. On top of this he is very fast to respond and very friendly in his communication. 100% a pro and highly recommended!"
"Killian gave me what I wanted and more! Super nice and talented at what he does, it's been a pleasure to work with him. Can't wait to work with him again! "
"The best! Super honest, quick, attentive, and cares a lot."
"Petey has a great ear and is easy to communicate with. Working with him as a mixer, he offered suggestions in a very positive and constructive manner. I think he would be a fantastic producer to work with and he's def..."
"Sara is bitterly the perfect singer for my project!! She's a super talent and is a total pleasure to work with. I HIGHLY recommend her for any and all your vocal needs. She will not disapoint. "
"Michael knew exactly what I was going for even with pretty vague directions from me. Timely, talented, and super professional."