Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dandy Chiggins
I'm Rory, your new go-to Engineer, here to make YOUR music STAND OUT. My passion is in helping artists and musicians like YOU reach their ultimate potential. In this industry, you get what you pay for. And with over a decade of experience turning raw audio into sonic perfection, I GUARANTEE your track will come to life. I work in collaboration
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Melody Maker Productions is a recording studio, music production and audio post-production company located in Downtown Los Angeles. We are a multiple studio facility. Viisit http://melodymakerproductions.com/ for more information.
Mixer and mastering enginee
specializes in recording, editing, mixing,songwriting, and beat production of, Pop,R&B & Hip Hop music. we also specializes composing Music for TV&Film
I am Daniel Boyd singer, songwriter, producer, audio engineer
Je suis un "remixmaker". Mon style, mes prods sont originales et percutantes
Mixing Engineer
Hi :) I was Series regular on the hit tv show empire, playing a superstar vocalist. 10+ years of recording experience. I have a passion for music. My influences are soul and jazz but my sound is very universal across all sounds and genres.
I will make your music sound true.
Recent Successes
"Austin did great work and gave me his opinion, even if I disagreed. I really need that and it's much appreciated. His communication was clear and prompt."
"Lonna was awesome to work with. She is a very talented singer and songwriter who will take any project to the next level. I would highly recommend working with Lonna and can't wait to work again in the future!"
"Jodah delivered exceptional vocals that added the right emotion to the track. He also was fast in getting it done. I would highly recommend working with him if you need great vocals quick. Treason baby! Can't wait..."
"I have now had the pleasure of working on a dozen or so projects with Adrian Zagoritis and it is the hallmark of a great producer that he always delivers above expectations. His music knowledge and his incredible intu..."
"Jonas helped me with a small but crucial task - making sure my programmed drums are playable and sound natural as possible. A professional prog/metal drummer, he quickly found all of my mistakes, and since I am not ..."
"Indrajit ji is the best sitar player you can find on soundbetter. He comes from a gharana that doesn't need a mention and is very talented, plus his sitar sound is so classic that you will fall in love with it. He..."