Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dafonseka
Specialized Music Producer/Songwriter focused on develop YOUR Vision in order to get the most Honest, Purest and Good-Quality Music for your Project. American/Latin music, Indie, Pop, Urban, R&B, Hip Hop and more!
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Songwriter with a catalogue of great sounding pop/rock songs available for download via all major download platforms.
I have experience in audio editing for 9 years. I mostly record musical bands and their original songs. I specialize on Pop-rock genre but I am also capable of working with other genres such as classical and orchestral music.
Over 850,000 streams on Spotify as a standalone artist + Over 10,000 followers on his Spotify Playlist: Boombox Culture. GAKO is a Hip Hop artist based in Los Angeles. He is known for his throwback, authentic sounds that are crafted with thoughtful artistry and that meld musical genres from the past in a contemporary.
When you need groove, pocket, and power in your song, I got you covered! I record using your choice of high-end acoustic drums, cymbals, and mics.
Specialized Music Producer/Songwriter focused on develop YOUR Vision in order to get the most Honest, Purest and Good-Quality Music for your Project. American/Latin music, Indie, Pop, Urban, R&B, Hip Hop and more!
Cráneo y Bejo, Ken OB, Kingleon, Dafonseka, Rafael Cocoa and some more have already tasted my work and they all have had a more than succesfull result with my productions. Why don't you?. It could be anything, RnB, Reggaetton, Trap, Hip Hop, you name it! And if you are open to experimentation so do I! Let's talk and then produce.
Expert sound technician with extensive experience in live mixing for bands, theaters and festivals. I specialize in live shows, automations, technical analysis, design, and calibration of audio systems, ensuring top-tier sound quality for all events. Let’s craft unforgettable auditory experiences together!
Recent Successes
"Very talented and accommodating to specific requests. Was flexible with the genre I proposed and did it perfectly. Amazing person to work with. 6 out of 5 Stars, would work with her again in the future."
"Scott is a very professional singer with a feeling of how it should be done the right way! Was a pleasure to work with him! Highly recommend to hire his talent for your projects and you won’t regret it! Thank you Scot..."
"Very patient/detail oriented and respectful to work with."
"I have made quite a few songs with Skrybe as the mastermind producing the final sound. Immensely talented and delivers music that would be right at home as part of a big-budget movie. Couldn’t recommend him more and e..."
"Trevor was great to work with and I would recommend him as a mastering engineer. He achieved an excellent outcome on his first run through. I appreciated the experience of working with him and overall believe that I a..."
"Sam works quickly and produces quality work. He is responsive and working with him was an all-around great experience."