Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Croword
Creative, professional guitarist for leads, rhythms, soundpads and much more!
I am a producer and mixer studying guitar and Tonmeister in Vienna. I work in an industry studio with a great mixing room and outboard. Having worked with a range of artist over the last 10 years I specialised in heavy stile music (Rock and Metal), as well as Soul/RnB/HipHop.
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Hey all, I'm Tara Rook aka Just Milk, an electronic music producer, beat maker, multi-instrumentalist, composer, DJ, and song writer based out of Portland, Maine. I specialize in producing electronic, trip hop, and ambient sounds using various synths, vocal loops, and Abelton.
"Sound is half the experience" George Lucas
I have a futurist sound that instantly ignites creativity and great vibrations. I’ve worked with your favorite artists and know the Sonics of what great legendary music is.
music maker
I have been practicing music for 15 years and since then I have been trying to learn the secrets of the profession to produce the best possible sound .. I will make every effort to get the best sound for your song .. Listen carefully to the samples if you like it, this is the level at which your song will come outical
I'm a soft and powerful alto Vocalist with charachter, an Electronic Music Producer with uniqueness in my sound, and I'm an innovative and experimental Sound Designer experienced in both artistic and commercial settings.
Hello dear teacher When God created the language of nature on frequency, he gave us the power to play and make music so that we can speak the language of emotions. Now I present to you what is left of my ancestors In memory of my dear teacher who said that music is the bridge between the world and heaven {Hamidfar}
Professional jazz guitarist & session musician. Gigging, studio, and touring work playing jazz, rock, and everything in between.
Recent Successes
"Fantastic work. Highly recommended. Talented AF."
"Great work! This new remix sounds absolutely great, thank you, Sefi!!!"
"another cracking job by alex thanks so much alex ..now on to the next stage .. lets rock!!"
"always a pleasure to get his Masterings"
"Ive been working with Elliot for months now, he always works quickly, I sent him 5 tracks and he finished in a day. The guy is a real master of the craft. If your going to get mastering this is the guy to go too. Elli..."
"Scott Foster Harris leaves me in awe every time we work on a project together took some simple lyrics and made a beautiful song with them I love working with Scott every time we collaborate some amazing music gets mad..."
"Another remarkable job done by my brother Ziv I asked him to do a completely different version of an old song I’ve done and he nailed it Please don’t hesitate to work with Ziv, I promise you won’t regret it "
"Will mixed and fixed my last tune into a much better track than originally recorded. Will adds just the right finesse to bring any recording to a much higher level. Highly Recommended. "
"Cris is incredible to work with- His musical talent is off the charts. Thanks for another amazing song. The Twins"