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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with coults
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9 years of experience in live pro audio mixing, now rediscovering the love for studio recordings :)
I'm a session pianist/keyboardist and producer who's worked in New York City (US), Berlin (DE), and Louisville (US). My strengths are in pop, R&B, hip hop, psych, rock, alternative, jazz, improvised music, composition and arranging. Some of the artists I've worked with are Katie Toupin (US), Jerry Paper (US), Stimulus (DE), and Joanna Teters (US).
"The heaviest limit of a man is the one he gives himself" (Mister Peculiar)
Nothing excites me more than painting a sonic world around your story. Impressionist Monet, or stark Rembrandt, I love to incorporate imagery to help find and bring your sound to life. Not only do I play guitar, bass, and synths, but being in the epicenter of music/media, I am lucky to be friends with some of the most amazing musicians around.
I will understand your musical idea and make sure it translates well into the mix. My mixes are the result of german technical precision mixed with international taste and feel for music. What differentiates me from others? Mixing is a creative outlet for me and not simply an engineering task.
I’m a multi-instrumentalist (20 instruments), playing guitar for 45 years, songwriter with Apple Music and Spotify credit, written score for Indie movie When It Rings (2021).
i2i Sound is a collaborative music studio created by Montreal based artists/producer Jackson Daniel and Noble Sobel. With a combined 15+ years touring, performing live on air and stage, studying with Grammy award winning musicians, and recording with top engineers, the two have come together to create i2i Sound, a first-rate musical experience.
SMK 285 R&B/Future Bass, Slap house, Trap...
Recent Successes
"Matthew and I have worked on two songs and the results have been great! As a producer he is able complete my vision while also adding his own personal touch. He is also a great communicator and gets things done in a t..."
"Paul was extremely easy to work with and communicative throughout the entire process and was happy to do revisions where required. Super happy with the quality of the final product as well. Would reccomend Paul to any..."
"i am glad i picked Rob doing mixing and mastering on my track, he is a mixing, mastering professor for sure who takes pride and joy on his work... "
"These guys crush it every time couldn't reccomend more highly"
"As always, a wonderful mix that has depth and clarity with a huge low end. We are proud of everything Ariel mixes for us. Very inspiring."
"Ziv nailed it on the first pass and lightning fast turnaround! "
"Pete was easy to work with and did an amazing real string quartet for me on a song. Next project, I'm going with Pete. Excellent work and finished product. "
"Corey pays meticulous attention to detail, communicates effectively, and demonstrates profound knowledge in his field. His expertise in mastering my songs was impressive, and I eagerly look forward to working with hi..."