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Corrientes Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I'm a mix engineer specialized in Metal/Hardcore/Radio-Rock based in Mexico City. I've been working with bands since 2007 and mixed all kinds of sub-genres of heavy music, from Hardcore to Symphonic Metal to Djent and Thrash.
No one does what I do better than me. Jazz - Improv - Pop - Rock - Indie - Folk - Metal - Free Jazz - Ambient - and everything else.
Singer/ Actress
I am a female but can sing soprano, alto, and tenor to a point.
need song writers
We do a very authentic electronics, pop and post-punk music in our label and also we do music production, mixing and mastering for other artists worldwide.
I am a mixing and mastering engineer of over ten years of experience located in Los Angeles, and I have worked at some of the top recording studios in Los Angeles on projects for premier artists including The Weeknd, Halsey and more. My work is played on terrestrial radio.
...Hello! I am the director of GFM Studio. I am mainly responsible for music arrangement, audio mixing, mastering production and guitar playing.
Recent Successes
"Rebecca is not a demo singer She is a true artist with a beautiful and personnal voice signature. She is also very kind, open minded And friendly. If you plan to use its services, for sure, do not wait, i would´nt ..."
"Elliot is an excellent mastering engineer. Very reliable, with a great feel for the music. Highly recommended!!!"
"This was my second time working with Myah and she delivered above and beyond again. I was really nervous about this new song because it was a bit unconventional and Myah totally nailed it. She added a world music inf..."
"Ideas come to life with These two! Great team incredible work ethic and the tracks always come out top notch! Second project incredible!"
"My favorite thing about Larry is how much he cares for details - he's able to listen to your piece with care and come up with fantastic ideas of what blends well with the rest"
"Wonderful experience, Todd is very attentive and puts a lot of talent to refine every detail of the mastering for a result that exceeded my expectations. Very friendly communication and exemplary professionalism. A bi..."
"Bryan is my go-to for anything pedal steel related. Extremely tasteful playing and always goes above and beyond my expectations. Will keep coming back. Would give 6+ stars if I could. Thanks Bryan!"