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Corner Brook Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Here to add the weird/different vibes in to the mix.
I’ll give you a super clean mix without charging you an arm & a leg. I can also clean the production or even add to it of course with your approval if you like it
Amazing singer/song-writer with a versatile voice, specializing in R&B, Pop, and Soul
I will make your vision mine too and turn it into a reality.
dm dj producer guys I am an EDM producer I do have a band working on our first song name is THE Wonders we are still working on our first song but we will soon release it but for pricing contact me to get a price I am a very nice person that will love to help you with confidence
If you are looking for catchy melodies, intriguing chord progressions, funky played key licks or some top notch sound design look no further. Happy to help!
I like the message that we should cherish the love your friends no matter what you want. In the end you will realize they need you in the times you’re physically not there and a call here and there should work. 11 years making music and I sing records with Kota the friend and Calamity.
An expert in vibe & creative, analog sounds, I will give your track space, emotion, and movement. I'm no stranger to dropping a 57 in a condom in a bathtub to get that "underwater" sound or sending your vocal track out through analog guitar pedals or tape. Why fake it when you can do it for real?
Recent Successes
"This man is incredible! He superseded my expectations. I cannot wait to work with him again and again and again. He is amazing. Very professional and personable. He gives your song the time it deserves. He's very pati..."
"Working with Michel was an amazing experience. He is so talented - works to every deadline always on time - goes above and beyond!! We did 16 tracks from start to finish to date! enjoyed working with him - ver..."
"Amazing work as always. Super hard worker and extremely efficient "
"Jaro is very professional, fast and efficient. It has been a pleasure working with him. He immediately understood what we wanted and raised the level of our songs. Highly recommended, we hope to work with him again soon!"
"Great job as always! Jenny is simply the best of the best. She's extremely talented, a great cooperator and a wonderful person to be working with. Highly recommended!"
"As always, awesome experience with Bram! Got our tune sounding just the way we wanted it, and did a revision to make sure it was sounding just right. Cheers for your great work!"
"Nate did an awesome job with production on my song! He added really awesome elements, was really communicative, and was extremely clear throughout the process! Would definitely use him again for another song"
"Wow! Alex is an incredible drummer His Attention to detail is immaculate. I would highly recommend him to anybody. Top Man 👍🏻"