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Córdoba Province Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Hi, I'm Matteo, I'm an enthusiast audio engineer from Milan, Italy. Since graduated few years ago in music production, I started freelancing as a mixing and mastering engineer as well as producer and I have been lucky enought to work with awesome muscians. You could be the next one :)
I´m a mixing and mastering engineer. I´m the owner of the studio "El Cono del Silencio" (The Cone of Silence), located in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Singer / Songwriter / Guitarist / Pianist / Producer... Credits include National Playlists, New Music Friday, Spotify viral TOP 50, New Music Apple Dance, Tiesto Airplay. Can record write vocals and melodies with a quick turnaround. Sync deals with TV Soaps, Sky Sports, BT Sports and many more.
Creative musical work space blending analog with digital and home to legends
Affordable and ego-free guitar recording in any style!
Groove to the Rhythms of Hip Hop, R&B, Regueton, and Tropical Beats! With 5 years shaping sounds as a dedicated beatmaker, I'll make your music pulse with life. Let's craft hits together! Elevate your sound and groove to the next level with my proven track record of delivering chart-topping hits across diverse musical landscapes.
I can produce any genre you'd like, in your own style.
Recent Successes
"2nd song and he raised the bar again."
"Randy is thorough, courteous and has a nice ear for a melody."
"Dan is the man! Excellent musician, very easy to work with, very helpful on song structure, and great producer. I hope to work with Dan again."
"Vladimir is GOOD STUFF! 2 thumps up! He is a true master of the classical guitar His recordings sound really good He always answers and delivers in time "
"This was my first time using Soundbetter, and I didn't know where to start. There are a lot of people to choose from. It's hard to not notice Austin's profile. He has wonderful reviews. So I decided to give him a shot..."
"Always so happy with Riccardo's work, i am never disappointed he goes above and beyond for me. I am a better musician because of him, he tries to make my vision for my albums come to life with his mixing and mastering..."
"Elsa is a great singer, technically but also intellectually. she understands fast where the song goes to and can quickly implement the producers ideas. in combination with her exceptional voice and her talented singin..."