Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Copper Sons Records
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Hey! I'm Gia Sky. I've worked with prominent figures in the music industry. I make MUSIC! No limits, endless possibilities. I've produced, written and mixed numerous songs for renowned record labels worldwide. I am always looking to collaborate with your creative vision, infusing my vibe and expertise into your productions, mixes, songs and films.
Hello! with over 20 years experience I have seen and heard just about everything, but I still haven't heard from you! Producing, mixing and mastering music is the only thing I have ever really known and it is this that motivates me to get out of bed every morning.
I'm a Mixing Engineer/Producer based in Austin, TX (a.k.a. The Live Music Capital of the World) with a decade of experience. You have heard my work on various outlets such as NBC Universal, E!, The CW, Fox Sports and more!
Maynard Ferguson, New Kids, Dwight Yoakam, Kenny Loggins, Michael Jackson and more... (Tracks recorded in a Real Studio with Real Amps and Real mics on ProTools HD system.)
I'm half of the Electro/Alt/RnB duo TECHNOIR and i'm here to bring your musical vision to life. I'm a session vocalist, composer and performer with years of experience in various studios. My style ranges from R'n'B,Funk to Jazz, Trip Hop and Electronica and my voice is emotional and has an unique timbre.
Experienced and versatile songwriter/vocalist/producer to help realize your musical vision!
Audio engineer with a passion for music and film. I have a Certification in Audio Technology from School of Audio Engineering and am local to NYC. I have a background in heavy music and commercial audio design but am open to all musical genres and am always up for an opportunity to try something new.
Your voice deserves to stand out. Let me craft a vocal mix that enhances your music, supported by top-notch parallel mixing and mastering to deliver a final product that truly shines.
Recent Successes
"Mark and I just laid the groundwork for a new project, about which I am very excited. Like the other jobs we've done together, I know the result will be super."
"Darken is cool, nice vibe, he really enhanced the composition and sound from technical perspective. Liked working with him."
"It was real pleasure to work with Krysta. The lyrics and vocals which she delivered was over my expectations, so I'll definitely work again with her. :)"
"Super professional. Amazing pen and melodies! HIGHLY recommend working with Sean for ANY record. Will definitely be working with bro again."
"Dan brings the ear candy...without fail. This man is a true talent and will elevate any song, besides being just incredibly great to work with. "
"Noah is such a professional and is so freaking dialed when it comes to production, sound design, and song structure. Not only that but he's also a great person to work with! "
"5 stars for Theia for sure. Exceeded my expectations. Patience, high quality of work and she does her best to elevate your project to a higher level. "