Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Cool Cee
Beatmaker and Classic Hip Hop producer
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Is a music studio based in Providencia, Santiago, Chile. It has slowly been constituted in the last years offering the services of rehearsal room, recordings, music production, sound design, post audio ( voice over, foley, BG, SFX SPFX, music cues , etc), game audio, mixing and mastering.
Hi! I'm Willow Gaylen, a versatile and professional vocalist specializing in Americana, old standards, singer/songwriter, and indie rock styles. I am a seasoned performer, songwriter, and session vocalist with over 20 years of experience and knowledge. I produce high quality audio from my home recording studio to fit your deadline.
Award winning songwriters, producers and mixing and mastering specialist. 25 years experience. Trained at Berklee School of Music.
Quentin Burkhalter aka Quentin The 5th is a New Orleans-based rapper, singer, and songwriter. He has previously been featured on the major hip hop blog, The Source. His eclectic sound and sound writing style allows him to provide work for a variety of genres.
I work fast, fluidly and from scratch. I work within a "we" as well... a team. Let's team up to see how our styles compliment each, and to see what moments we can bring to a studio session.
I've sung and written toplines for artists across multiple genres, including pop, electronic, R&B, and indie. If you're looking for memorable melodies, flawless instrumentals, or quality vocals for your song, I'm ya boi. My expertise in mixing and mastering offers an ear that has an acute attention to detail that is sure to make each element pop.
I am a traditional country singer and would love to sing your song
Recent Successes
"Dario is great, but this time I worked with Marco and I noticed that he is great too :) C3 STUDIO is just great :) Looking forward to work with you again. <3"
"Fantastic! One of the best out there. He is a 100% professional and experienced engineer. My song is being released on the Radio next week.Thanks Benny"
"Extremely happy with the vocals and lyrics Myah wrote for my track. She's the real deal - I rarely have nothing to comment or adjust with vocalists (melodies, rhythm), but this was one of those times. She's very fast ..."
"Nicki was so easy to work with, her vocals are supreme, her instincts are spot on. I will definitely work with her again!"
"Its always pleasure and fun to easily work together with less words with KLAAS. Usually he is exactly fitting your requests to 110%. Thanks men! "
"Georgios did an absolute amazing job with the intrumental I commissioned for hm. It was complex but he did it so well and so fast!"
"I am absolutely pleased with the mix and service that I get from Max. He is patient and he listens too. I highly recommend anyone work with him. You will not be disappointed."
"Scott is a top quality professional. His attitute and comuncation all the way has been perfect. And most importantly, his voice is impressive and delivered all big quality-raw recordings on different versions ready..."
"Great engineer! satisfied with my first single!!!!"