Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Coner
Rap of all kinds / 20 years of experience / Recording studio in Europe and United States / Thousands of tunes done
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50% Discount for Orchestral Elements in your production. If you just need few elements (and not an entire arrangement) in your project, I will discount 50% on my usual fares!
Hello, my name is JD "CakeBoyBally" McCray. I am a 27 year old Music Producer/Recording/Mix Engineer from Greenville, MS. I've worked with many major artists/labels such as YSL, Alamo, etc. I've always wanted to give music to people that speaks emotion and passion into its listeners. I want to create sound that will resonate within people forever!
Dragon Ball Z composer, music producer, film and television music, children's music - 12 songs for "A Little Spark". Over 100 awards in the industry. Check out faulconerproductions.com and my recording studio cakemixrecordingstudio.com
I help create groove and interest in your song by using low frequencies aka I'm a bassist.
I am professional bass player and composer from Serbia willing to provide you with strong and functional bass lines in different music genre. Good tone, deep pocket, groovy bassline with some "personal touch" are my main goals during recording session. I am open to all kinds of suggestions and ready to serve your needs.
Mixing and Mastering Engineer experienced in working with various music genres from Rock and Metal to Indie, Pop, and Singer-songwriter.
Recent Successes
"Michael was great to work with, a truly dedicated musician. Not only he sang the song really solidly but also made it better with his musical approach. I highly recommend!!"
"The quality of the work was exceptional, and Wes was very professional. "
"Tom is a pro. He took my song and made it sparkle! I was really struggling to bring out the right elements in the mix and was thrilled to hear these come to life in the right way thanks to Tom. Highly recommended! "
"Very professional and delivered great sounding work! Thanks Austin"
"This was a ballad and Fab has done, as always, the sparkle with his ideas and amazing Keys to the song would like to give him 10 points but the rating goes only to 5 !!!! There is no one I know better than Fab on this..."
"Amazing work! Their whole team is super professional and helpful. They make sure that you get the sound you like and the final result is amazing. Definitely recommend and will for sure work with them in the future. "
"On delivery the song was finished with no revisions needed. The song came out better than expected which absolutely speaks for itself. Aaron has a high service standard. He did reply to my questions even at midnight...."
"Quality project as always. Not the first & certainly not the last time we'll work together :)"
"never worked with someone who was as prompt and organized as Theia. Great voice, well recorded and very organized and professional!"