Columbus Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
I have been a musician for 10 years. I am proficient in Saxophone, guitar, bass, and music theory concepts. I attended Capital University as a Music Education major, and then changed majors to a Music Technology degree. As part of Capital's Music Technology program, I also attended the Recording Wokshop in Chilicothe, OH.
String recording and arranging with Christian Howes. Affordable remote string recording, arranging, and production. We are a team of players who provide live string sections on recordings for a fraction of the standard cost.
My name is Taylr. I have been making music in every genre under the sun since I was 15. Let me show you what I can do vocally. Let me show you what I can do on quite a few instruments. Check out my website to see what I like to do. (614)5167088 to reach me.
Professional, efficient, and impressive. As a mixing engineer I am active listening, constantly trying new things, and never giving up on a mix. As a mastering engineer, I am meticulous, precise, and perfectionistic.
More providers:
"Listen and you will see". Having someone else mix and master your music is a delicate task – a job, which requires responsibility, technical expertise and musical understanding. Lars solves tasks in mixing and mastering. On the basis of his training as a musician and sound designer Lars manages to get the best out of any material
Im a swedish music producer. I do everything from music creation to Mixes.
If you need music production, drum programming, lyric writing, synths, and or full instrumental production (electronic w/ some live instruments according to needs) or a featured hip hop verse please give me a shout. I'm also looking for vocalists to join my team.
Born and raised in music. I produce, sing, play trumpet, piano, guitar. Every genre is welcome.
Self-taught Vocalist with Metal/Rock background heavy influcences from Amy Lee of Evanescence
Strings, woodwinds and brass section arrangement for songs. I am a awarded singer-songwriter and pianist. Production of Southamerican music with jazz and classical hints.
Hi-Fidelity Radio Ready + Spotify/AppleMusic Ready. With over 20 years experience in music production and mastering you have chosen wisely. I have worked with countless Industry and Indie artist. I'm very serious about my work and will complete your project to the best of my ability. Music was born inside of me so take advantage of my talent!
I will do mixing, mastering and audio-postproduction of your tracks / files.
Recent Successes
"Great to work with, perfect RB voice I was looking for my cover. Responds quickly to messages and does great quality work. Thanks for everything Tony, appreciate it :)"
"I loved working Darrell. I gave him some of the most complex and difficult work you could ask from a drummer and he nailed it. "
"Jeff had great communication throughout the project and I think we got a really special project in the end(sorry for making you go through annoying revisions!). Will definitely recommend!!! 10/10"
"Really talented singer, totally understand what you want to accomplish with the track and easy to talk to"
"Scott was amazing to work with and delivered exactly what I needed. If you want to work with a great producer Scott is the one should pick. I'm looking forward to working with him again in the future! "
"This is the second project I’ve had Tony work on for me and he’s so versatile. Honestly I’d recommend him to anyone. Thanks Tony"
"Great sound; efficient, timely, professional and creative. Seamless working relationship. Highly recommend!"
"Amazing work. I definitely plan to continue to use Mount Olympia Mastering for my future releases! "
"Alan really threw everything into my tune, playing guitar and using many orchestral samples, which was a lot of work for the fee, and i received a classical-pop classic which i hope will inspire listeners. And he gav..."