Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Color vibe
Mixing engineer and producer specializing in hip-hop, indie pop, R&B, world music, jazz, Latin music, afro beats, and EDM. Experienced composer and arranger with proficiency in saxophone and clarinet. https://samply.app/p/fxb566U5S6Bt40fMfc0D
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Estúdio de gravação com a capacidade e condições ideias para a melhor captação de seu som, não importando a situação ou aplicação.
Multifaceted Rapper/Writer & Music Producer committed to propelling your music to the NEXT level. 5-star rated musician with over 300 client reviews in the past 2 years.
450,000+ monthly Spotify listeners, multiple songs with 19 million+ streams, placements in official playlists - acoustic hits, viral top 50, etc
I'm the owner and operator of PS379, a boutique studio in Brooklyn, NY, where I provide songwriting, production, and mixing/mastering services for a wide variety of artists and clients. (I also do video production & editing)
I serve the Music and I work to achieve the best it can be.
Versatile music producer proficient in multiple genres. I have helped produce, write and develop Pop, R&B, Hiphop, Rock, EDM and Indie artists. Along with having scored a few short films I have also recently written the theme song for an upcoming independent video game. https://soundcloud.com/user-517761515/sets/beat-examples/s-knSZwl65jn5
Searching for that unique character or sound in your song? With the combination of tube preamps/compressors and articulate playing, using one of my services will help you stand out compared to the thousands of songs published each day.
Number One Hit in Japan 2009 feat Captain Funk aka Tatsuya Oe Album: Sunshine Label: Model Electronics Inc. Singer Songwriter Songs: Weekend, Girlfriend, Just Wanna Get You Tonight
Recent Successes
"B understood the vibe we were looking for our track from the beginning. She kept communication constant and very professional; accommodating all along. We´re extremely happy with the end results, and eager to mix and ..."
"My comment in reference to Steve is simple and straightforward. I am 40 years old, and worked with many vocalists throughout my professional career, and this is the first time in my life that a vocalist does the work ..."
"Amazing results! It is refreshing to work with a vocalist who doesn't need lot of instructions - moreover, can guide you with her vocal performance and show new ways to express the song. Looking forward to working w..."
"Dr. Ford is a true blue professional he will work with you every step of the way! I will be working with him more on future projects. He nailed the style and feel I was looking for in my music! "
"Austin provides great professional service with high quality tracks. I have a great experience working with him and I would consider to continue our collaboration. "
"It was a pleasure working with Ben! He’s an amazing guitarist, communicates really well, professional, and easy to work with. He provided services really quick! I look forward to working with him again. "
"My project was a bit complicated because the piece had many variations in style, and it was lengthy, so getting the proper playing on each part was paramount to me. Now that it is over, I can attest that all the excel..."
"Natural voice, clean works, reactive. No doubt I will call on her again in the future."