Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Collin Nash
Producer, mixing and mastering engineer, composer, live sound technician, multi-instrumentalist, and songwriter with 7 years of professional experience.
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Toningenieur [B.Eng. Audiovisual Media] for Live Recording & Postproduction, Live Sound (FOH / Monitor / System), Sounddesign (Live & Studio)
EDM ARTIST Singer/Songwriter/Producer of electronic dance music
Music producer, engineer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist with credits including Universal Music and Tonspiel Records. I specialize in Rock, Indie-Folk, Funk, Pop and Brazilian music. Recent projects include co-producing and playing bass for Indie Ambient guitarist Amparo and producing for Latin Grammy Winner Alejandra Guzman.
Greetings. My name is Mike and i am a music producer / mixing & mastering engineer.
I provide catchy writing and sharp vocals that fast-track your song to the mixing stage. The genres I work on include commercial dance, techno, house, future bass, pop, trance, and more. Throughout the years I released on main dance labels and my cuts include Armin Van Buuren, Dj Sammy, Like Mike, Anfisa Letyago, Chico Rose, Andrea Damante, etc.
Why distinguish "Pitch alignment" and "Timing alignment" when speaking of editing vocal takes? Why not add a little touch to the volume of each note if called for? We work on whatever it takes to improve the vocal performance and add natural flow/emotion to the tune. Did you mention speed? Our clients are often blown away by our response time :)
'Jack of all trades', as they say. I sing, I produce, I compose - all at your service! My music shows off a unique eclecticism. My master's degree is in classical singing, but I have had my eager fingers on the keyboards and faders since age 12. Tend to concentrate in R&B and contemporary jazz as a vocalist...Production-wise, give me anything!
Tunasi is an EDM producer that has years of practice and experience working on a bunch of different genres. I mostly aim for music that sounds like Martin Garrix, Avicii, Tiesto, and so on. I'm currently working on my first album and would love to get a little more variety in my current work schedule! I love working on different types of projects!
Recent Successes
"Excellent work done! Rob Harris is in my song credits along with other great musicians. I will use his talent in my new projects again a again. Thank you very much! Enrico Cammarata"
"Wonderful artist! Nailed the track 110% :D Would love too work with her again :) Search her on soundcloud/spotify and I promise you a great time for your ears;D"
"Tyree did an amazing job. Absolutely killed it."
"Another masterful performance and composition! Emilio's guitar is the strongly beating heart of this latest song and his soul, its soul. Beautiful. Way to go, Emilio!"
"A pleasure to work with Ian, easy to communicate with - but most important; Beautiful playing and hi quality sound. Thanks for the contribution, Ian. "
"Audrey is always on the money! Such a great vocalist and so easy to work with! Love her!"
"They're super great! They came back with the goods. Really enjoyed working with them! "
"Another great job with Manuel is done. The guy is on fire. He is such a good guitarist. The quality is always perfect. I will continue to work with him in the future."
"Excellent work by Tyree - as usual! Always delivers. "