Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with coca cola fanta
I am a billboard charting singer/songwriter who peaked at #25. I enjoy writing for different genres. I’ve worked with a lot of different producers from Europe, Canada & the US. I was the voice of Fanta for 3 years. I opened up for IGGY AZALEA. I’m dropping my new EP “Crazy” on 04-15-2022 but you can pre-save “Crazy” on 04-06-2022.
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I love producing and playing my music through the best mix of analogical and MIDI sound! The result is a new and fresh Electropop!
I run my own recording studios as well as produce my own music and others. I've just begun the process of becoming a professional producer so I do not have many credits to my name, but I employ engineers and others that have credits in multiple areas of music. Bands I've recorded: Funeral Party DYED Deco Hectics Levitation Room
Mark Rudin is an accomplished artist, producer, and songwriter with a masterful command of multiple instruments - particularly horns. His song "Miracle" was a winner on season 2 of the NBC show Songland, and his work has been featured in major ad campaigns for brands such as Grey Goose and Simple Mills, as well as trailers for the Tom and Jerry Mov
I am a Full Sail Graduate with Bachelor of Science in Audio Production.
I can take your raw recordings and bring them to life, giving your songs a cohesive, unique sound but also matching today's production standards. I can help you with arrangement, mixing, lyrics and final levels. I can also add some sheen to your online presence with expert graphic design services for websites and social media.
industry Certified sound
Music Producer/Mixer/Engineer
Recent Successes
"You know you're on to a winner when the dry vocal stems sound as good as anything you hear on the radio! The backing tracks were solely rhythm, so the vocals were extremely important in lifting the tracks to shine thr..."
"We are really glad we got the chance to work with Dan! Dan transformed our songs into dynamic pieces full of life that we are really excited and proud to present to the world. He's very quick and responsive to our mes..."
"I'm convinced Sefi is the best in the business. I've worked with Sefi for a couple of years now, and it's been an absolute honor and pleasure. Looking forward to more projects."
"Very fast feedback. Super good mastering and Sander even revisited the mastering to change some small adjustments that I wanted. It's really excellent and one of the highest standards!"
"Hands-down the best producer on this website. I have used gecko now on five songs and cannot be happier with the outcome. They sound modern, hit hard and feel like productions you’d hear on the radio."
"It's always inspiring working with Pablo. It's a fruitful experience each time, and often I am surprised with better results than I ever imagined. I feel extremely fortunate to get to work with him, he is a talented m..."
"What a voice. Perfect match !!"
"He’s the best! Completed in less than 24 hours with quality! "