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Clarkdale Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Who needs a music mixer? I'm here now! ^_^
My name Sergio know by Yeyou P born in Honduras, live here in US, In Christian Artists, love Jesus and love music, love to work with people diff cultures, for the most love to create unit music with passionate Artists.
I'm award winning Music Producer based in Christchurch, New Zealand. I specialise in writing and production for artists and labels, scoring and sound design for film and video. I have worked with Rodney Jerkins (Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga), Wayne Miller, and many more.
long punchline
Pianist and Composer Based in Paris, he represents a new generation of pianists who work to create innovative forms of expression, blurring the boundaries between jazz, electronics and music for film into the emerging "crossover" style. Manzoni indeed leads his classic approach towards a dimension of interaction with an international flavour.
I've been working in the industry since I was 3 years old, started as a vocalist, then a writer and now I handle my own productions of beats and I'm looking to expand by getting back into writing.
I love stories! Music should move you, get you off your feet, or make you feel something deep in your soul. Hard hitting pop music to emotional ballads I believe in making music with a purpose.
Tastierista, arrangiatore e compositore dal 2007 si occupa, in studio di registrazione, della composizione e dell'arrangiamento di brani musicali, seguendo il progetto dall'ideazione al prodotto finale.
Recent Successes
"Amazing and creative work! These guys really take the time to perfect your sound and took my track to the next level. Went above and beyond my expectations and you can really tell they don't rush their work and pay at..."
"Joabe is a great professional player, I really happy with the result. He recorded the trombone parts quickly and efficiently. It's nice that he adjusted to our budget and the specific music genre in general. We look f..."
"Cris has a voice that goes from silky smooth to rock power. Quality at all levels and personal involvement is the keyword. I'm really happy how everything came out, thank you Cris. "
"Added a lot of his own personal ideas and style into the project to make it even better. Went above and beyond to make sure I was happy with the final result! "
"Matt nailed the part I was looking for and his drum tones are the best! "
"Working with Evan was an absolute pleasure. He has a brilliant ear, a clear sense of what works, responds quickly, and he was efficient and positive throughout the entire project. Highly recommended!"
"Once again I'm floored by Samantha's performance, recording techniques and professionalism. She even mailed me a coloring book called "55 Fiddlers, 55 Fiddles" as a thank you and I'd never even given her my address.* ..."