Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Cinesa
Audio Engineer, Composer & Arranger for Film, TV and Advertisement
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Move your listeners with rich, emotional orchestral moments. Clients include Adidas, Nike, Rogers & Hammerstein, Harmonix, creative agencies, theme parks, museums, and many film, TV and game composers. We use top instruments, including Hans Zimmer, Vienna, Spitfire, cineSamples, and more, produced by musicians with deep orchestral experience.
Taste and personality are the keywords. I love searching for sounds and melodies, I want everything to fit perfectly. I've been playing keyboards since I was 4 years old. Film Scoring is my greatest passions, as is cinematic orchestration and cinematic sound design.
Composer-songwriter-Pro Keyboardist-pianist (all styles)- studio owner-engineer-producer-film composer-orchestrator-arranger BM Eastman school of music---MM Manhattan school of music Mac pro 7.1-Logic pro- lots of orchestra libraries-and plugins
An Award-Winning Film composer. My work has been used with the BBC, Channel 4 and Walmart.
Kitarraman here. I am a composer, producer, guitarist, and sound designer. My forte is audio for media (primarily video games, then films), but I'm also a proficient studio producer, arranger, mix, and mastering engineer.
Recent Successes
"Jason was acceptional. His professionalism was outstanding. He took great direction and provided many options. Technically his sounds were terrific and he even provided raw sing along for re-amping. His acoustic playi..."
"I had a great experience in working with Lachi. She knows exactly what to do in order to bail out what your track need."
"TJ did a fantastic job. Communication was great, revisions were spot on, and most importantly he brought the song the song to life. Highly recommend. Thanks again TJ! "
"MR. HO is a superb producer. I am extremely happy we collaborated as he put so much creative power into the track elevating it to the higher level. You can feel John is a trained musician and a perfectionist. I kind ..."
"Another 5 star job from the fantastic John Thomasson!"
"Harmoni is fun to work with and she is one hell of a bassist. Huge thumbs up here!"
"passionate, human, professional, perfect job with perfect result"
"Amazing work as always. Candela is our go-to singer. She always exceeds expectations!"
"Ziv is the absolute best. So talented, kind and quick. He always knows exactly what I want and what the song needs. His playing is beautiful and he delivers the stems in an organized fashion. Couldn’t suggest Ziv a..."
"I love working with this man! Very direct, sincere and collaborative. An excellent professional to level up!"
"Axe is an awesome producer to work with! His turnaround times are really fast (most of the times much faster than I can review what he has done, haha) and he has a great feeling for what the track needs. No need t..."