Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Cinematic Saints
Everyone loves some sad machine! Unfortunately, sad machine players are hard to come by. With generous experience in live and studio settings, I'd be excited to amend your music, however traditional or contemporary, with pedal steel guitar. Find more of my playing on Instagram, YouTube and TikTok at @thisisbridger
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Marcus Schmahl is known as a producer for different kind of genres. Mixing, mastering & sound design is his main work for his projects (Broombeck, Guardner, Rauschfaktor, MSMS, Berkstroem, to name a few). But he is working as a sound engineer for several local bands too.
The names IAMxLOVE i'm a Singer/Rapper/Songwriter based out of LA that brings a soulful voice and intricate energy to the music world with a Hip Hop and R&B background that allows me to display my talent in more ways than one when creating my own lane on features or creating a sound for an artist..
Producer, Audio Engineer, Vocalist and Multi-Instrumentalist.
Songwriting credits including The Shires No. 3 Album 'Good Years' and production credits with some of Londons most exciting emerging pop artists (GIRLI, BETISE GØLD and Lleo).
Singer And Dancer
CitrusStudio provides Web design, website development and SEO Services in Mississauga, ON.
In-house engineer, producer and studio manager of an iconic Australian studio. With experience working alongside the countries top engineers and producers Owen's mixing skills span a variety of genres and is sure to help breathe life into any song.
Certified Pro Tools User and Recent Audio Production Graduate looking to assist artists realize their dream of creating, recording and producing their songs.
Recent Successes
"My song was freaking PHENOMENAL! It crossed a line of excellence I didn't know existed. The positive reviews are true. Chris is a "business man" and he handles his business diligently. He WILL put the quality of your ..."
"Killian is the best of the best...It's my third time to be working with him and definitely, I will be working with him all time long...Thank you again my friend for everything:))"
"Very professional guy and knows what he's doing. A great producer and engineer. I highly recommend him "
"Great voice!!! He is also one of a kind singer! I think. I would like to work with him from now now!!!! "
"HOLY SH*T!! GRAB HIS ATTENTION BEFORE HE BLOWS UP!! Keep bringing that A-Game, Cas! 👊🏽 -Statys"
"Always brilliant work by Marcos! Very highly recommend."
"Per usual, Jaki delivers a stunning performance that is both highly creative and highly emotive. She was able to topline a song for me that, prior to her, had potential, but after her really felt like it truly had a s..."
"Finest mixing and mastering indeed! Chris has worked with us on multiple songs and projects so far. His good ear and responsiveness have been invaluable to us! Thanks!"