Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Cindy Sterling
Over three years of professional experience in world class Los Angeles recording studios. Served hundreds of clients of all experience levels, supplying industry standard audio quality combined with creative vocal production, arrangement, and effects. Your song will jump out of the speakers and grab the listener's attention from start to finish.
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Greetings, I am an imaginative music creator, who enjoys "going against the grain" from Miami, FL. I have five years of experience. I am graduate of Full Sail University with five years of experience.
A 15 year veteran with a pro tools studio available for all live remote audio work
Authentic, mystical ARABIC vocals from Heidi "Daddou" in Cairo! I improvise and add the oriental texture you are looking for on your track!
LA based. Songwriter for 12 years. Have gotten many television/commercial synchs with my voice as a demo singer and done a lot of toplining over beats and electronic music. I can record and comp my own vocals too :)
Peace and Love, I've been writing music for over 10years. I'm very confident in my skill and people tend to gravitate to me because of my neo-soul/r&b niche sound. I've recently been featured on music publishing site Artlist's commercial featuring my EP "Branches" being one of the top selling in the first 2months of releasing it.
Hire me if you want a person you can trust and who will put in all the needed effort to create exactly what you want.
Quality and experienced Production, Mixing, Mastering, Vocal Editing & Production! 2+ Millions Streams
Recent Successes
"Amazing mastering services :)"
"Another marvelous performance! He's a really talented singer with a brilliant and powerful voice!"
"Truly amazing what he can do. Took my music to new levels with extreme care and gave a lot of feedback on my mix also. Completely exceeded my expectations. Thank you Camilo!!"
"Michael was amazing to work with! He was able to take my vision and turn it into reality with this track. Would definitely recommend working with him!"
"Mr. Mig is the man! I send all my tracks to him for the final polish. He consistently delivers great tracks that are boosted and balanced in all the right places. We have been working together since 2017!! It's alw..."
"I only hire Fede ."
"I mean what more can I say? Another really successful track with Andrei! For this track we really went all out and created what is probably the weirdest but also most intriguing track to date! Absolutely loving the ex..."