Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Çinare Melikzade
Producer | Mixer | Engineer
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I Am A BeatMaker
Wanting to create a new wave of sound so artists can exploit their feelings through modern music technology.
Pete has been a guitarist and guitar teacher for over 30 years. He founded a rock academy charity for teenagers called Reading Rock Academy to nurture the next generation of original artist and musicians in and around my home town. He is also competent live looper performer (#TheLiveLooper).
3xs Grammy nominated 2x American music Award nominated 5x soul train music award nominated 8x billboard nominated 1x bmi award winner, multi platinum singer/ songwriter. Music is my life 💕
I mix as an hobby so I need, as you, some projects to work on and improve my skills. I don't do this for money... I've my job for living but will see... Grow up together!
Guaranteed Quality of Outcome Professional Studio Hybrid Mixing Console with some of the best Analog equipment
Recent Successes
"Yung Roen was amazing to work with, I got exactly the sound I wanted and he was very fast but not in any way sloppy in the way he mixed and mastered my song. I am grateful that I was able to communicate with Yung Roen..."
"I reached out to Trey to produce a song I wrote. He went above and beyond to exceed my expectations! What sets Trey apart beyond his obvious talent is his genuine care for the projects he takes on. The end result was ..."
"Matt is a total pro. I'm thrilled with the results and being able to join his live mix session was amazing. Learned a few things in the process. Can't wait to do another, thanks Matt!"
"J.J. delivers on the bass with an ear for perfection and perfect rhythm. "
"This is my first time having a song professionally mastered as I am just curious to see how it is going to sound and I am pleasantly surprised with the result. Sounds amazing and I am looking forward to working with E..."
"Julia is a whole different level altogether. She gets the vibe and context of the song effortlessly, and delivers astounding work. Her voice is a true gem. 3rd project together and definitely not the last! "
"Excellent as per usual, I'll be back"