Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Chromie B
Hi guys! My name is Maksym and I am a producer, beatmaker and sound engineer.
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We are a talented team of topline writers, singers, sound engineers, lyricists and musicians (based in UK,France and US mostly), eager to take your instrumental music to the next level.
ANALOG MASTERING Blackbird Mastering stands for Analog Mastering, experience, a keen sense of good Music and the ability to make dreams come true. The feeling of real life, freedom and maybe even breaks the rules. ...The best algorithm in the world does not make a good Master.
I am a singer, songwriter and composer. I sing and write in Spanish, English and French.
More than 25 years of experience on studio recording, mixing and live gigs as FOH and Monitor engineer.
Hey! I'm a metal and electronic music producer with over 10 years of experience.
I'm self taught, I wear every hat in the studio from music producer, Mixing an mastering engineer. I dabble in all kinds of music. I won't charge you an arm an a leg my friend. Sh!!!!t I'll probably do it for free.
i'm indin singer ,rapper , lyricist instgram- dking.officia twitter-Dkingoffical spotify-Dking Jiosaavn-Dking
the talented editor, with a careful musical ear
Recent Successes
"Wes is a really professional singer. He was able to understand what I was looking for, he met my deadlines and we were able to understand each other without any problem. I really loved the way he works and the final v..."
"B4Lasers is a PROFESSIONAL. When he says he'll bring your song to life, he means it.. He took the time to sync up on the phone to feel out the vibe I was going for, and then was able to translate that into the track, ..."
"Rayko was exactly what I need! She was very professional, easy to work with, awesome in adding her own creative flair to my song. Thanks to this website, I was able to connect with Rayko and unlock my song's potential!"
"Second time working with Alex and he delivered beyond expectations. The start of a great journey!"
"Loved working with Jay - he’s a total pro. Great communication, excellent end product. I’ll definitely look to link with him again on another project! "
"Did a very good job. Tried to be helpful in everyway possible"
"Eileen always does amazing work! She composes and produces magic music every time. Whatever style of song I have ever asked for, she consistently creates with professional excellence."
"I needed some top-line vocals for a track and Florence far exceeded my expectations! Super happy with the results! She understood the brief and creatively what I wanted. She literally sent the audio files within the..."
"What a pleasure to work with Zach! He was eager, prompt and professional, you can trust your lyrics to him. His voice is smooth, his diction clear - can’t say enough to praise his musicianship. "