Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Christopher Lock
15 years of experience · CEO at Protomaterial Records · International career · Doctor in Composition and Music Technology from Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois)
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Sound Engineer. Producer, Sound design
Producer/Vocalist/Jingle writer/Topliner
Our studio has been on the music market for over 20 years. It is characterized by high quality of sound and high technology services in this area.Our main sound man - Yurii Lych has been constantly improving his skills and closely following the recent developments in the world of sound.
I'm a professional freelance musician and music producer. I play guitar, bass, keyboards, and drums. I specialize in Soul and Blues music. I've produced 3 music exhibits in national museums (National Blues Museum, St. Louis, MO; Mississippi Arts & Entertainment Experience, Meridian, MS; National Museum of African American Music, Nashville, TN)
I'm a Film Composer, I worked with Gabriele Muccino, my last work is the original motion picture soundtrack of "Tutta un'altra vita" with Enrico Brignano
If you want to add that analog touch to your mixes, I'm here to help! I have a studio full of analog gear and am willing to do full mixes or run individual tracks through pieces of your choosing! I'm fully hybrid and can assist you in both the digital and analog domains!
Lets Make Music Sound Unique & Masterful! With over 20 years in the game,I have written,produced and recorded with the likes of Shakira,Masters At Work,Alejandro Sanz,Jamiroquai,just to name a few,but no matter what's been done,the next project will be just as Dope!
Music producer beat maker mixing mastering engineer
Recent Successes
"Loved working with Mike, he is great from the first communication. Very professional and friendly. Got the job done super fast and is was beautiful work. Can't wait to do more with him😊"
"Lachi is an amazing and talented artist! She get the idea really fast and doing an amazing and professional work! "
"It was a pleasure working with Alina. She perfectly understood the mood of the song. A very high quality performance,very high quality recording and very high quality service."
"His update is extremely quick and he knows exactly what i'm asking. I was very impressed by his work and surely, i will ask him to work with my next project too. "
"Leo did a great job!! Very nice arrangement and very good input and he was also very flexible deliveryng multiple versions in multiple formats, definitely a good addition to my track! "
"The mix is good and meets my expectation. Fast delivery and high quality. I also have a good communication with Funkenergy. High recommendation for your upcoming project!!! "
"Freddie perfectly created the vibe I was looking for. Always professional, versatile, quick turnaround. Excellent communication. I will be working with Freddie all the time. I can't recommend enough! "
"Fast and great communication. Provided so many options for my listening needs. Thank you!"
"Amazing working with Camilo again, such a rich sound and very quick turnaround! Highly recommend"
"Steve helped me with Hammond organ for one of my songs with a bit of pop/rock/punk touch. He did understand exactly what I was looking for and gave the song the vibe I was looking for!"