Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Chillout Tales
Quality and professional music production, mixing & mastering. Working with Kontor Records, Soave Records, ND, Lilly Era, UAN and Sirup Music. Supported by Don Diablo (Hexagon), EDX, Laidback Luke (Mixmash), Giorgio Gee, CARSTN and many more! Global success by reaching the TOP 100 Dance, House, Electronic & Overall charts on Apple Music / iTunes.
Songwriter here to help you with your next record. I've written for various artists signed to labels like Universal Music, Warner Music, Soave, Paraiso, MCR Records and more!
Emotional and airy voice perfect for any kind of house music. Signed to BMG Publishing. Worked with a lot platinum songwriters and producers.
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Hi, My name is Clay and I'm a session drummer located in Sydney, Australia. I've been playing drums professionally for over 20 years in lots of different styles; everything from 50's & 60s, disco to pop, rock and metal. I'm available for recording sessions either for individual songs or whole albums at competitive rates.
Your music_ality, many years of experience, broad knowledge of hard- and software and the love for the soul in music itself are the key points that drive me to achieve the best possible master.
Multi-instrumentalist and creative mind at your disposal.
Exclusive producer for rapper Dynasty Carey's upcoming album "I Am Not The Hype"
- Analyse artist's demo recordings / work with artists to produce required sound - Produce through a variety of analogue hardware, digital software and live instruments - Advising on album songs & single releases - Grade 6 theory level - Software used: Ableton, Cubase, Reason, Studio Pro 4, Audacity, FL Studio, Steinberg, Wavelab
I'm a Singer Songwriter, Top-line writer, Recording & Performing Artist. I've worked in various genre's: AfroHouse, Electronic & Singer Songwriter. I'm the lead singer of the harp & vocal duo Lu Flur. I've collaborated with SA House/DJ Producers Eltonnick & AJourneyOfMilez incl. remixes by N'dinga Gaba & Migosy.
Brazilian trombonist, arranger, composer and producer. Participated in concerts and recordings with artists such as: Ivan Lins, João Bosco, Bob Mintzer (USA), Erika Ender (PAN/EUA),Hamilton de Holanda, Carlinhos Brown, Ludmila, Roberto Menescal, Melim, Silva and others. Works for The Voice Brasil, Pop Star and plays and writes for several tv shows.
Sou músico, produtor musical e arranjador. Faça um teste e vamos fazer música
Recent Successes
"Great producer and great mixing and mastering engineer. Looking forward to work with Austin again. "
"Perfection, quickly work, great communication —-> PERFECT !! "
"Tim was great! Did what I asked and went above and beyond to help hunt down a tracking problem that needed redone. Communication was excellent. Turnaround was good and I'm very pleased with the mix. All around good gu..."
"Chris provided me with some great e-guitar parts for my rock song. He exactly knew what I was after and his improvisations were incredible. Great guy and a true professional. Will work again with him if I need another..."
"Had a great time working with Andres for mastering. Amazing results! Fast response! Good times! The mix coaching is also a huge bonus! I want definitely be working with you again, boss! Thanks for all. Shvty"
"Review #263 for Chris - excellent vocalist, lyricist and overall dude. He's a top tier talent on this site for sure! Search for Fate's Frontier on Spotify to hear what we've been doing!"
"Working with Eileen is a world-class experience in every way! She has an incredible, distinctive voice and amazing tone... but that's just the beginning. She has fantastic communication skills and makes the entire pro..."
"I hired Joey to do harmonies and background vocals on a track of mine and he absolutely killed it. Joey's a very talented vocalist and I look forward to working with him again the near future! "
"Another stellar mix from Roy - he always knows how to make a track pack that extra punch with broadcast-quality mixing that booms, simmers and shines. A total pro and couldn't be easier to work with too."
"Thank you Lukas for a great track with an epic sound. Appreciate your attention to detail and nuance on the piece. Also great vocal work. Glad to recommend you. MH"
"HIRE GEKKO! But only if you want to work with an unbelievably talented, super efficient, communicative, collaborative and gifted musical human. G helped me take my song in a really unexpected cool direction, and he is..."