Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Cherik Records
Guaranteed Quality of Outcome Professional Studio Hybrid Mixing Console with some of the best Analog equipment
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We do what we love brining a persons musical passion to life.......period.
Capable to do rearrangement, recomposing or even creating (composing) a new song based on what you need and what you want in almost all genres of music.
O meu desejo é ser um produtor musical, de referencia mundial...
Colombian singer songwriter Nico Rojas Ceron(artist:Samson Vi) over the past 5 years at the young age of 22, has worked with unique talent from WI, TN and others. Best credits on writing and coproduction of EDM, Indie Pop and Pop music on Alone, and Maybe (by Max1Millions). Currently Signed with Fender Records/Sony music in CA.
Let’s bring your songs to life! My passion is helping others achieve the sounds they hear in their heads. Writing, Recording, Producing, Mixing, Mastering, and more!
Experienced Sound Engineer/ Designer, Producer, Music Composer with a demonstrated history of working in the entertainment industry also Skilled in Post Production, Localisation Implementation, Video editing and Graphic Design But learning A.I and integrating it in day today work is made me more faster and result oriented.
Recent Successes
"Had a great time working with Jay. His lyrical ideas are really diverse and original, and his turnaround time is really fast. I would definitely love to work with him again!"
"Shrai is so talented he's practically magic! Not only is he gifted beyond belief, he is the most professional, accommodating, easy going, personable producer to work with. He is a great communicator and somehow unders..."
"Mike has been nothing but great to work with. He completed songs for me in a timely matter, and absolutely blew me away with his technique and skill and willingness to make revisions that I needed. Will definitely com..."
"It was an outstanding experience to work with Gergő. He delivered me 5 different incredibly good solo parts only a few minutes after I told him what I needed. A real professional, hope to work with him again soon!"
"Patrick really tried to understand what I wanted, he made his best (and managed) to apply all the modifications I requested. Thank you "
"Aaron is the best in the game at what he does. Master at it"
"Extremely talented; was able to bring my instrumentals idea to life and exceeded what i had in mind, great communication and very passionate about helping you with your project :)"
"Enrico did a GREAT job with a tricky mix that needed a lot of help, especially with drums and guitar tones. Super quick turnaround, very friendly and pleasant to work with."
"I am absolutely thrilled with the song that Jaki sang for me! Her voice is emotional and powerful, and the professional delivery is simply impressive. Every note goes straight to the heart and expresses the feelings p..."
"Really easy to work with. He did an amazing job mixing and mastering my song!"