Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Chayce Beckham
Hi. I'm Mike.. I’m a session and live drummer based out of Nashville. I want to help you make an incredible recording. I deliver high-quality online drum tracks and remote production to clients from any location. I use top of the line gear and deliver commercial quality. Hit me up and let’s work together and make something special! 🤘🏼
Justin Wantz Productions is a full-service music production studio based in Nashville, Tennessee owned and operated by Justin Wantz—an American recorder producer, composer, multi-instrumentalist and songwriter.
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Hey there, Musician since I am a child, graduated in piano performance and "music applied to visual arts", I create music for entertainment, singers and other arts. I also make arrangements and produce musics for anyone who want to express himself through a musical way. Open-minded. Feel free to contact me and talk about your expectations.
Hello I'm Giorgio Erdas, professional drummer from Italy. This year I celebrate 13 years of career as drummer. I worked with lot lot of great Italian band, touring and recording with them. Now I have the possibility to work also online... rec into my studio and send all the material via Internet all over the world. Contact me for my services ;)
NEVER write lyrics
We do any kind of audio production: - soundtrack; - sound-design; - mixing; - live recordings
MONROE is a music producer who specializes in Pop, R&B, Afrobeat and Dancehall music.
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My name is Kristoffer and I'm a music producer based in Köping, Sweden.
I am a multi-genre producer, singer, songwriter, mixing and mastering engineer with 7 years of experience. I have produced and engineered for several local PDX artists, as well as others from all over the United States.
Recent Successes
"Working with Sean is a dream. At all times i could feel that he want to get the best result possible for my project. I'm more than happy with the outcome, he plays with so much groove!"
"Excelente predisposición y paciencia. Siempre abierto a escuchar y preguntadome si me gustaba el proyecto. Excellent predisposition and patience. Always open to listening and asking me if I liked the project."
"No words can turely express how happy I am with Tim's work. Great communicator and delivers on time. Over all...he does an amazing job!!!! "
"Musa exceeded all my expectations. He's an amazing engineer, very creative and very easy to work with. You literally transformed my song like night a day,. great work!"
"I been anxious to work with DEXY - I know of his Quality and also his unique studio. upon hearing DEXY Demos in Instagram I know I will get a kickass sound ! exciting for the next album, I think it will be our best work."
"Fantastic to work with. Quick and very well done. They sent back tracks on time and what was needed. I'll be back and thanks again! "