Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Charles Owens
Bassist of Butcher Brown, available for hire for electric bass, upright bass, synth bass.
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Producer, sound designer and composer with over 10 years of experience. specialising in mixing/remixing music and getting "that right sound".
I`m a producer for electronic music, sounddesign and a mastering engineer
Consulting Licensed Sound Engineer Professional Sound Engineer available for equipment specification, procurement, installation & long-term care & maintenance. Experienced in small to medium scale venues including theater & church sanctuaries. Knowledgeable with multiple brands of equipment including Peavey , DiGiCo & Soundmaster.
Over 20 years of experience in composition, piano and arrangements for orchrestra, bands and groups like strings, brasses, winds and vocals. Offering recording sessions of all kind of keyboards and piano, specially with jazzy vibes, and electric bass in the way of James Jamerson of Motown.
I'm new to Soundbetter but not new to the music business. With over 20 years of experience in the music industry I am well prepared and skilled to take your track to the next level. My mix and master will bring your music to life
Fresh take on an old idea..
You save the money for mastering because I mix and master at the same time - convince yourself by listening to my work. I mastered all of the following songs, some of them I mixed and mastered: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6OHfqlPkg7Gx6rpQKhjUBi?si=171d2cb5b7704d63
Singer/ Guitarist /Producer for the band VEXES - Mixer and Songwriter with 25 years of experience producing rock and alternative metal
Recent Successes
"Daniel did a quick study of a vocal track to come up with a catchy guitar rhythm. Very nice musicianship."
"Professional "
"We've worked together already on just beat mixing and mastering. This is the first time with the beat and the vocals, took a few revisions but we eventually got there .. and that's what matters! New single - "Winter T..."
"Happy to work with Kuyano, he provided me a excellent mastering and he has a good communication. I recommand him"
"I used Dave as a mixer on my latest project, and he did a phenomenal job. Dave is very detailed oriented, and he took all of my notes and never once made a mistake. The communication between Dave and me has been pheno..."
"Another great time working with Kelby, a very talented producer! Looking forward to the next one"
"Every single time I get a message from Derran saying the vocals are ready, I get so excited. Every single time he knocks it outta the park. Every I time I book I KNOW what I get back is gonna be great, but the finishe..."
"Outstanding performance, impeccably delivered (as usual) with just the right amount of fairy dust ;-) ... Another day at the office for this shining star!"