Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Charles Davis
Talented jazz pianist, producer/composer offers his services
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The Playroom, Arundel is a purpose built studio with live room, vocal booth, piano booth (with Yamaha C7 Grand Piano) and large, comfortable air-conditioned control room. Tracking, Mixing, Production, Orchestration and Mastering. All contract costs and requirements are discussed and quoted on an individual basis. From £35 an hour.
Julian Mims (aka TrendzMusic) is a Music Producer and Mixing Engineer with a unique, creative sound. He has been producing for 15 years and mixing for about 8 years. He is also the Co-Owner of PromixGlobal Studios located in Atlanta, GA.
I compose and record professional quality Cello music to add sonic richness and emotional intensity to any music genre.
Mixing and mastering is just a few things that I do. I can comp, edit, produce, sing, or rap on anything that you need. I can work with digital or live instruments. I can also do audio for video and podcasts as well. signal flow is life.
Luiz Henrique Faria mais conhecido como Paulista é advogado, músico, arranjador e produtor musical, natural de São Jose dos Campos, reside no Rio de Janeiro desde 2003. Em meados de 2007 arquitetou uma pequena estrutura de gravação onde pode produzir e aprender com grandes personalidades do Samba.
I, uh, sing sometimes and write a little.
With 12 years of experiences as a Musician & 8 years as a Sound Engineer, I skill fully assemble different talents, by learning & applying knowledge, securing gigs, meddling with audio at renowned venues, studios & delivering for clients in studio & live situations as well.
Recent Successes
"Michael is very quick at coming back with great ideas. Def going to work with him in the future."
"Chris was great to work with, got pretty much exactly what I was talking about and the vocals sound just awesome lol, quick responses, top notch work, I don't know what else to say, haha. Love the result. "
"Very talented producer. Knows what he’s doing. Highly recommend "
"Leor is a quick, high-quality, and very attentive drummer. He's done excellent work for me on a few projects now. I'll be sure to come back for more drums when the opportunity arises!"
"Maria is always a pleasure to work with and this gig was smooth and easy as usual. Maria, after quite a long time since recording her strings for an original song, went back and created a video of her performance. H..."
"I thoroughly recommend Hugo. This is the third time I have had the pleasure and good fortune his services, as both long distance and in person mix sessions. He strives to get the results you want, but he also brings h..."
"Lonny was extremely patient with me, and really took the care and detail to get the guitar riff to what I wanted. Superb quality in the finished product, and great communication. Hire Lonny for your guitar needs!"
"great as always!"
"We all know G is an incredible producer. I decided to let him MIX and MASTER my track. Normally I get this done at Australia's Premier Studio. G's MIX was far cleaner, more balanced and nuanced and significantly bette..."