Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Channy Leaneagh
I am a very experienced operator in this field and I am committed to getting you results. I have lots of experience working with some of the biggest names in music creating big records.
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Hi! I am a producer and sound engineer with over ten years of experience in writing, recording, and producing music. I received a degree in Music Production and Recording from Centro de Arte y Tecnología (Buenos Aires) and have worked with clients from South America, China, the United States, and Canada, in a wide variety of styles and techniques.
Hello Interwebs! Let's collaborate to create music that not only sounds great, but makes an impact on the lives of others.
I've been recording and mixing for professionals since 2012. I believe that music is about translating an emotion, and I've always been very careful to work in the same direction as the artists.
Mixing and Mastering is at the very heart of what I can do to help you create a commercial-grade mix that can compete on the market. The same commitment and dedication I put into serving our great nation is put in creating quality music for you.
Industry professional with proven ability in a wide range of genres.
Se você está procurando aquele som novo e moderno no Funk, Pop , Trap , e Rap ... Eu sou o cara! Atualmente trabalhando com gravadoras do brasil e no exterior. Posso criar sua música do zero ou construir um arranjo completo em torno de suas letras / ideias vocais. salva-me e vamos conversar! Estou aqui para ajudar :)
I’m a passionate songwriter with strong hooks, clever lyrics and just enough of a handle on music theory to be dangerous.
T'as le texte, mais tu n'as pas le rythme ou la melodie. J'ai un don pour donner vie à tes paroles. Qu'importe le style musical, je te ferai un truc de dingue
Recent Successes
"Excellent to work with and will continue doing more tracks."
"Rob carefully mixed my song. His mix clarified the levels hidden in the production track and optimized my writer's vision in just the right way for my genre and intended listener's experience. Professional, great expe..."
"There was not any doubt about Michaels musical abilitys. But Michael suprised my how he took up my ideas and understood the intention very well.. In his recordings on one hand he make my ideas much better on the other..."
"Never a bad experience with Elliot, great communication, crazy turn around time and always an amazing sounding master! "
"Owen amazes me more and more, every time that I work with him. I love how he always keeps me updated on what he's done and I appreciate all of his input and his knowledge to finish songs that I've been stuck on. S..."
"I found my mix engineer!! It has been an absolute pleasure working with Ariel. He’s very professional in every aspect of his work. I will definitely be back time and time again"
"It was super fun to work with NT Martin, communication was easy. "
"Hugh does a really good job. We can highly recommend him."