Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Chabad Religion
Multi-instrumentalist with over 15 years of experience with music production, composition, engineering, mixing, and mastering for A-list clients in independent music (NOFX, Fishbones, Rare Americans), movies (Warner Chappell, Primary Wave) & TV (Discovery Channel).
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Mobaseri Sound was founded in 2006 by Ali Mobaseri. Fully professional mixing, mastering, vocal tuning, music producing and sound designing applications is an organisation serving. There are three studios: -Pro Mix -Pro Mastering -Quick Mix & Mastering
Fat Sounds & Slim Rates
Award-winning Producer, Multi-Instrumentalist, and Mixing Engineer. Artists and projects I've worked on include Barbie x Sol Kyst, Michelle Owen, girly., Jenna, Atlas In Motion, VIDA VINCI, Riha, Sean Bienhaus, Cassidy Taylor, ToneFusion, Jon Green, Ethan Luce, Carmin.
I am a producer/beatmaker, I have 2 years of experience and I have worked for artists from various countries such as the United States, Spain, the Dominican Republic ...
I perform accordion about 28 years, it is my profession, my hobby and even my all. My main job, for 17 years, is as an artist in the Concertino Accordion band (Moldova). Together with my colleagues we would win 21 first prizes and Grand prizes in competitions all over the world.
I have been recording music since 1986. My work has been featured on television, radio, online and in video games. I have a passion for making things sound just right and always keep in mind the context of the audio I work with. I am not happy until you're happy. Past clients include: Mercedes, Smirnoff, Th National Geographic Channel, The B-52s..
Jaylee is an influential R&B Artist with a devoted following. His incredible career began with a bang in 2016 on Xfactor with his group 5AM/5aftermidnight, with the release of their first smash hit in 2017 up in here. The group then disbanded.Jaylee has since then become a solo artist on a regular basis that manages to thrill and delight fans.
Christopher Evans is a Talent and Project manager with www.legionnaireindustri.com posted out of Tacoma Washington with brands across the Midwest and East Coast. Project managing for artists, engineers etc. is the product, the approach is singular. Let me help you to profit.
Recent Successes
"Audrey is immensely talented, and a true professional. She put a great deal of sincere work into developing multiple vocal parts for my latest song and it just blew me away. Her voice is indescribably beautiful. It..."
"Tempo delivered my song in a very quick and professional manner. He was very open and understanding to my projects needs and helped create an RnB hit! Thanks to Tempo, I can now finish this track off I produced accomp..."
"I have just completed my first project with Gerard. He has added great energy and feel to my song and took time at the start of the project to provide constructive feedback on possible changes to make the song better ..."
"Fantastic work!! His mixing is amazing and his production added a lot of energy to an already solid song. This is my second time working with him and I plan to work with him again in the future. I couldn't be happier. "
"Another great collab with Austin. Very patient and great communication. The final result is always amazing and just the way you envision it!"
"Provided sick vocals for a cheap price, really cool songwriting and great voice! Seriously worth the money."
"Everyone leaves reviews on this site... but this is a REAL ONE! Seriously, hire Nathaniel! He ELEVATES the track! Exceptional work. Stop everything and hire him now!"
"Magic! Very responsive and meticulous, it was a pleasure to work with Sam and a his true professionalism !"
"Someone (he might have been Etruscan) once said: Veni, Vidi, Vici. What followed was mass murder and bloodshed but the point I'm making is this: Zeff did exactly what he promised he would do. He's not only a thoughtfu..."