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Cello in Argentina who worked with Argentina
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My name is Irimescu Doru,I am a 20 years old romanian currently living in Finland.I have been playing guitar for almost 10 years now,thus the need to record and produce my own songs.I am currently producing my own metal music.
Audio Engineer ready to make your project sound awesome
Music Producer / Remixer. Genres - Hip hop, Trap, EDM, Progressive, Trance. work for the ultra scene Entertainment (U.S.) or other official remixes.
Willing to do all jobs related to music and sound.
Guitarist/bassist of 25 years and songwriter/producer. High fidelity guitar/bass tracking at home studio. Fluent in many genres with a high attention to detail. Groove, pocket and phrasing is everything!
Hi, I'm Andrii from Ukraine, currently searching for any job opportunities. I write electronic music in tech-house and electro styles. Have release on LBR Records from Switzerland. If you need help with a separate instrument, beatmaking or any support to complete the track and mix it - I will be happy to help.
Recording and live playing in TV shows and all Musical acts for 20 years “Mamma mia” “west side story” 15 years principal Bass payer on the “Israeli revolution Orchestra” along side with top pop and rock artists. I will record and create the perfect Bass line for your song! At any desire style or vibe.
Orchestra conductor and pianist with long experience in composing on LogicPro X
Recent Successes
"Gabe was the right man for the job for my song AWOL, very modern sound and on point skills-wise. Not only his mixing and mastering were great, but his help with the production was too. He can do it all! See you on the..."
"Gigi is a total pro with a great voice and feel. She is very committed. I can highly recommend her for your project."
"I cannot recommend Mr. Stofer enough. It's been a pleasure working with him from communication to the quality of these amazing bass tracks. Definitely consider Jimmy Stofer for your next project!"
"AMAZING WORK! I have to say honestly I was far more impressed than I expected to be, you could tell that time went into the verse followed by an amazing execution, I'm glad to have found and worked with Cam and defini..."
"Very professional! Very happy with her work! Just perfect! 🙂"
"- Great communication, fast and good replies - Flexible with ideas - Professional recording - High level singing - Easy to talk to, kind, understanding, informative and clear Would highly recommend! 10/10 T..."
"This is maybe the third or forth track with Leo and I keep coming back because he cares about and enjoys his work and I can tell from the final product. Great work. Professional. Intuitive. "
"John always dies a fantastic job. He goes out of his way to make sure I get what I need on a song. Total Pro."