Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Cartesio
Mixing, Mastering & Production
MUB Recording Studio, 70020 Cassano delle Murgefavorite_borderfavoriteMixing, Mastering and Production Services
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Hi, my name is Arnaud Clément and I'm a part time mixer.
Axlson is a Swedish multi genre music producer with the strive of turning his work into something for the billboard. With a great amount of work featured in commercials along working up closely with worldwide label artists it's about time to dig deep into Soundbetter.
www.onixmasteringstudio.com We are Onix Mastering Studio and we offer high quality mastering worldwide.
Production|Engineering|Mixing - Trust me to facilitate your vision.
Voice that will scare your mother's socks off.
currently eating, breathing and being music. I can only understand my feelings through songs and that's why I do that I do. A great melody, accompanied with moving lyrics, can change someone's life forever and that that I focus on doing on each of my songs: create art thats worth listening.
Top notch Music Production, Mixing & Mastering, Vocal Editing and Voice Note Correction services with over a decade experience.
Recent Successes
"Mella has one of the finest voices I have ever heard, combined with excellent music writing abilities. She took the lyrics I gave her and produced a song that is more meaningful and impressive than I could have hoped ..."
"This is the second time I've worked with Mari, and she continues to be professional, and a pleasure to work with. Her work quality is excellent."
" Stephen, he is an extraordinary boy, a wonderful voice and excellent communication made this project unique. I found myself very well and I recommend it to many other artists"
"Austin Leeds is one of the best working professionals I have encountered in the music industry. He was incredibly patient with my schedule and various changes made to the project, he amended all my notes to exactly wh..."
"Amazing to work with! Responsive, timely, clear and open communication about the project. Accommodating and understanding. Artistic quality is absolute gold! Definitely would recommend "
"Anthony is professional as always! He delivered me great mixes with basically nothing to pick on (other than personal preferences), and the on-demand revision was quick and just right. Highly recommended as usual! "
"As always, tremendous to work with!"