Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Carlos Símor
I'm a canarian producer based in Germany. I have worked mainly with with independent singer-songwriters and rappers who strive for a creative and unique sound. I can effectively transform a musical idea into a mastered, radio-ready song.
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More providers:
sound engineer, sound producer,composer, beatmaker
Hi we are Jstmsc or just music :) If u got any questions, feel free to contact us :)
What's good! I go by Iggy and I specialize music production/beat making. I would love to network and collaborate with you on up and coming projects you might be working on.
When you get to work with me you feel the paro with caro
I'm dj and producer of electronic music.
Cheap prices for quality work
Apple Music, Spotify, Deezer, Sound Cloud, Tidal, iTunes, Pandora, I Heart Radio, You Tube, etc.
Sarah’s voice has been heard all over the world in both live performances and on TV, film, and commercials. She is a session vocalist, session and live player on piano/keys/accordion, and songwriter/topliner ready to be a part of your project!
Recent Successes
"Thanks to Bodo, our songs have gone to a new level. We needed someone who would understand our brand of music and would play with the fire and passion that he possesses. His timing and choice of fills is just beauti..."
"As always, impressive topline ideas and always ahead or on-time for the deadline of submission."
"Woah, I was not expecting that. This was my first go with SoundBetter and Arthur, and jeeez I got what I wanted and more. Such a difficult thing to jump and say yes to someone you've never met based just on an online ..."
"Dave's mastering is glorious - juicy and punchy in all the right places. Took a strong mix and made the whole thing even stronger, I'm absolutely STOKED about how my track came out. I've never heard my music like this..."
"Another great track by Nate! Nate is very responsive and gets the feel of the song instantaneously . "
"This is the second project where I asked Chris to help out with vocals, and he is truly a professional in every sense - great vocal skills, great arrangement of harmonies, high sound quality - and he delivers quickly!..."