Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Carlos Martinez
Coming from a bloodline of musicians has both crafted and developed my musical talents but has also given me the gift of listening to several styles of music and incorporating those different styles in my mixing and production.
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Rick is a multi talented producer who works with a numerous amount of major record labels.He is currently signed to Island Music
will fill this in soon
Music producer / Songwriter / Multi-instrumentalist. Mostly writing for commercials and indie artists. As a natural born perfectionist and nonconformist, i’m trying to achieve something unique in every track i’m working with. If you’re looking for something fresh and new, i’m the guy you need.
I'm Charlie John - I'm an award-winning songwriter and have been invited to audition for the executive producers of the TV show The Voice multiple times.
Estamos especializados en todo lo referente a los vales y tarjetas monedero y lo que realmente queremos es que no te sientas confundido por sus cláusulas y sus implicaciones legales.
I´m a producer, mixer and guitar player from Medellín, Colombia. In the last 9 years of my career I´ve produced and recorded dozens of artists and worked hand in hand with producers such as: The RudeBoyz (Producers of Maluma), Jowan (Producer of Jbalvin and Feid), Cobuz and Busta (Producers of La Industria Inc), among manyothers.
I'm a mixing engineer and songwriter specializing in acoustic guitar driven indie music. More recently I've worked with John Michel (John Oates Band, Brothers Keeper with John Popper), WYO.
My heart is in many places, including songwriting, producing and mixing. Previous mixing and mastering gigs of mine have reached New Music Friday Sweden, Swedish national radio and I've also wrote the score for a documentary for Sweden's biggest public service TV channel.
Recent Successes
"What an amazing experience! Mike went above and beyond. Mike added not only the part that I needed but part that inspired me. If you need a great guitar part, Mike is your guy!"
"I highly recommend Alanna. So easy to work with and very professional. Very unique voice timbre and sing with a lot of emotions. "
"Working with Danny for the past few months has been awesome! He’s the first producer I’ve ever worked with, and he’s made every part of the process of putting a song together wonderful. So far, I’ve worked on two song..."
"Love her voice and songwriter skills....one of the best best best of the best"
"Very collaborative and will work with you to get the sound you're looking for!"
"Tom is true audio professional with big chops. One of the best guns in his arsenal, is his communication skills and ability to understand what you are trying to accomplish sonically. Very important at the final stage ..."
"Nick is one of the world's best guitarists!! :D He knows exactly how to build a great song with the right notes at the right time, timing, precision, and superb quality recording!! :D Thanks again Nick!! :D"
"Andrea made a really good job on my track. She work fast and the voice production is super cool. I hope i can work again with. "
"Klaas did a great EDM stemmix and mastering for me. It was our first collaboration and I am thrilled with his realization within a very short time."
"Great Experience! Easy, communicative, prompt and most importantly, super musical!"