Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Carl Smith
Recommended by Warren Huart of The PLAP Academy as a local Producer, Stephen has most recently been producing original electronic dance rock songs for upcoming Artist Stevie O Rocks, a full re-production, mix and YouTube Series to one of Kaedyn Kashmir's songs and has recorded Lead Guitar tracks for Artist/Producer M@rly T. , Sally-Whitham-Shaw..
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Started playing the bass guitar at the age of 12 years old and did debut live gig at the age of 14. ,,Left school at 16 years old and has been gigging, touring and recording ever since. ,,4 string, 5 string, fretless - Fender & Music Man instruments,,A good reputation as a seasoned player with a great solid groove.,Has been fortunate to tour/record with artistes such as Paul Carrack, N Dubz, Odyssey, Ian Kirkham (Simply Red) & bassist for 'Stars In Their Eyes' (touring shows) ,,Strong backing vocals, great personality, in fact the full package really.,,Full UK passport, transport, pro gear etc etc,,Lots of MD & band fixing experience.,,Also owns Beat Street Studio in Leeds.,,www.beatstreetstudio.co.uk,,References supplied on request.
Pro harmonica player I can do anything Blues, Country, Folk, Jazz, Rock, Classical, Funk Acoustic or with effects you name it I also record acoustic and electric guitar parts
Singer, songwriter https://brinkman.bandcamp.com/ https://brinkman.hearnow.com/
I produce genre’s like hip hop, rock, edm and Bollywood.
I will professionally mix and master your song to maximize your vision. With a degree in Audio Technology from Five Towns College and 10 years experience, I will carefully mix your record to industry standards allowing you to compete at the highest levels in music.
All your Music & Multimedia needs! Let's take your project to the next level! I will mix and master your tracks to perfection. Need a session player for guitars, bass, drums? I've got you. Need me to arrange and produce software instrument tracks of nearly any instrumentation imaginable? Of course I've got your back. All genres welcome!
Prolific and Versatile Keyboard Player, Mix Engineer and Producer who has made a name for himself in a career that encompasses a wide selection of the music industry. Live or in the studio; I have loaned my talents to prominent artists word-wide, including: Wynonna, Maggie Rose, Chris Young, Stevie Nicks & Prince (Posthumously), Hillsong etc
Mezcla y mastering con más de 10 años de experiencia. Montador
Recent Successes
"GEFX- has great ears, very satisfied with the Master! The master transferred nicely over five different environments and PERFECTLY in earbuds and headphones!"
"First time I’ve tried SoundBetter. I picked Sasha based on his resume and sample and it all worked great. “One Take” Sasha played steel on three songs and did a great job on all of them. He was responsive and delivere..."
"Always finds a way to take my track to the next level. Highly reccomend!"
"Full credit to Matt on this latest track he mixed. He used his toolbox to cleverly craft the song to be bang in line with its intended character. Warm, dynamic and punchy - a cool sounding analog vibe delivered by a v..."
"Patrick is amazing and simply the best. He is talented beyond belief and a hard worker on top of that. I would definitely recommend him."
"Simply incredible! Congratulations dude!!! Bastien done an amazing job, sung everything that I have aked and more. Really got into the music, Filling in with his talent and skill! Very fast in delivering it, very f..."
"When Andrew says he want to create bassline that serves the song he means it! He brought a lot of excellent ideas to the table without overplaying. He was very organized and efficient which made it easy for me to prov..."