Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with capturing the genre’s raw energy and aggressive sound while ensuring professional production quality. 5. Acoustic Folk Album: Produced an acoustic folk album
Your vision guides my sound Together, we create the perfect soundtrack for your story Turning concepts into art from start to finish
More providers:
I am a music producer ready to work in any project,I can help you with the following: -compositions -Arrangements -recordings -mixing -mastering -I play acoustic guitar(Clasical,flamenco) & electric guitar(jazz,blues,rock,r&b) Need to produce a record,need music for Film,video game, I can help you out!!
Mix & Master is My Life. Try Me :) Mix & Mastering Engineer, Work in the Music industry for the past 10 years. My studio is based in Tel Aviv.
Especializado en música Pop y Urbana, experiencia en Produccion, Mezcla y Masterizacion de genero como Pop, Reggaeton, Rap, Trap etc. Catalogo: www.daizenmusic.com
Music producer with his own unique sound.
Hi! My name is Alexis Chang and I am a 19 year old music producer based in New Haven, CT. I love making all types of beats including R&B, Hip-Hop, Trap Soul, Jazz, Jazz-Hop, and acoustic instrumentals. I play guitar, piano, drums, bass, and can add in any other instruments you would want in your custom beats to specify the sound of your song :)
Trumpeter, born in Vitória (ES), on June 2, 1997. In 2010 he began his studies in the social project called "mais Educação". In 2015 he joined the "Vale Musica" program through maestro Eduardo Lucas and since then he has had several musical experiences acting as first trumpet in the "Jazz Band Vale Música" and in the "Banda Sinfônica Vale Música".
From storytelling to punchlines spanning most to any topics I can craft lyrics for them. If you give me the beat, title you want, topic, the mood and the length of the song and I can write it. I'm a "lyrics" heavy writer so wordplay is my forte.
With 3 years of experience i am opening now into helping online to the artists that have a song and the idea of how it sounds in their heads but can't achieve that, i am the conection between artist and DAW
Recent Successes
"Once again, great experience working with Andres! Highly recommended!! "
"Onur was really easy to work with and he was able to realize some amazing percussion arrangements on my cues for a game soundtrack project. He has a great sense timing and the recordings worked perfectly in my mix. ..."
"#1 EDM PRODUCER AND HITMAKER!!!!!!! He is the man here on SoundBetter for a reason, and he will make the best track for you. His mixing and mastering skills are just as amazing as his production skills. His knowledge ..."
"I wholeheartedly recommend Dan. He really cares about the tracks and making you happy (which is also pretty easy for him to do because he’s a top pro). This has been an incredibly productive collab experience! "
"Bruce always turns my simple acoustic and vocal driven songs into fully produced masterpieces. Everything he's contributed has gone above and beyond my expectations. At this point he's a critical part of my process."
"Another amazing project with Austin! There is nothing he can't do! He can turn something that has potential into a work of art. Truly the best in the business! Stars UNLIMITED!!"
"Received a sick master from Bram, thank you! Instructions and communication was clear, can totally recommend. Best"
"Joe is a total pro and excellent communicator. He provided a radio ready mix for our acoustic song and captured the essence of the track but added the glue needed so it could sound as good as it could be! "