Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Captain Gobshite and the Bawbags
Unleash the true power of your metal and rock tracks with professional mixing and mastering! As a seasoned pro, I'll unleash the raw energy in your music. Let's sculpt your sonic masterpiece together and get your mixes sounding huge and ready for release!
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I am a profesional sound designer with a complete mayor in audio engineer and music production.
Hello folks! My name is Sven Kissenkoetter aka Ascolta. I am a music producer, mixing & mastering engineer from Cologne, Germany. My focus lays on hip hop/urban music, pop and electronic music. I offer music production as well as mixing and (digital) mastering. My idea of sound is to create the perfect symbiosis of music and wonderful sound.
An all original multi-instrumentalist/composer/producer/song-writer working with various genres with over 20 years of experience!
Studio rat, multi-instrumentalist, accomplished producer and engineer. Credits include, Eminem, Rebelution, Wiz Khalifa, Nelly... the list goes on.
Need a crunchy, punchy, BLEGH-worthy final mix? Look no further than The Magician's Fool. We are a studious, focused mixing/mastering intern for hire. We experience living in plurality and use we/they pronouns, are nonbinary and queer-positive, and we work EXCLUSIVELY with survivors of domestic violence to raise their voices.
I do 40 voices, turned 4 chairs on The voice | I songwrite and compose as well in many styles !
Clients & Collaborators have surpassed millions of cumulative streams across platforms and have first hand experience working with Artists who have released on the likes of Monstercat, Circus, Wakaan, & many more.
Recent Successes
"Lex is a true professional. Her work ethic is top notch. Lex was able to develop a concept and lyrics based on the guidance given and the end product was amazing! Lex was very patient and cordial when answering quest..."
"I hired Grant to sing lead on a couple of songs for me which he nailed but what really blew me away were the harmony vox that he came up with. I wasn't even thinking of putting in back ground vocals but it took me so..."
"This is my second time working with Tyler and I was more than happy with the results. Not only is she a great vocalist but she is very understanding and has great communication!"
"Got professionally mastered track with best quality. Very quick response. Of course will come back with further tracks in the future."
"So so happy with how everything turned out! Mark is a real professional"
"Working with Dat was just fantastic, she completely impressed me right from the start! She kept in good regular communication and understood exactly what was required for the task. Her amazing vocals are an absolute d..."
"I had an incredible experience working with Fred. He is very adaptive and flexible in accommodating any request coming his way. But the most important is the highest quality of his mastering! Michael Vitkin."
"I loved working with Mattia Farao! I made a cinematic instrumental and he got it done in a few hours after I sent the stems! I am really happy with it and loved the result of my cinematic instrumental in the end! I am..."