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Candler Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Just an hour outside New York City, residing in a church that is over 100 years in age, The Barber Shop Studios has helped engineers and producers get the sounds they are after, since opening our doors in 2005. Located on the shores of New Jersey’s largest lake makes The Barber Shop Studios the perfect getaway. TBS works with all genres of music.
hey everyone im kevin trackz coby im a producer apart of a production team called (theinsomniakz) Ive produced for Wale, Justine Skye, Justine bieber, Jeremih, and Latoya Lucket and also just received a platinum certification for the trey songz album "trigga" also recently worked on The new jeremih album called "Late nights Europe"
Bill Andreis Siahaan is a singer/songwriter, guitarist, bassist, drummer, percussionist, Gold Medalist from the 9th World Choir Games 2016.
Gorilla Tag OST producer, house/techno producer/DJ, sound designer (game/film), I produce custom music for projects with a fast turnaround and have a versatile set of talents and connections to help you achieve your vision.
"Serve The Song." Looking for... Gorgeous nylon string finger-style arrangements? Need a unique sound on nylon string guitar? Want guitar textures that sound like piano? Electric guitar heaviness? Virtuoso bass line parts? Need ideas for expanding an initial piece of writing? Have song that needs arranging or is missing that "something?" Yes.
Tenacious musician flows with different genres of music
"E"='s Everything, Artist, producer, film maker.
As one of the major artists in Galway on a small island called Ireland me and my team focus on bringing raw music inspired by artists like XXXTENTACION and bands like twenty one pilots As a mixing engineer Im well versed in fleshing out and birthing the true sound of your song, if you hear the potential of a good song ill make it come true for you
Recent Successes
"Andres will be my go to mastering engineer. During this busy time of the year he delivered my project quickly and went way beyond to make sure I was satisfied. Very patient and pleasant to work with. "
"Kuyano was super helpful throughout the process of mixing my track and did an amazing job with the master! Will definitely be working with him in the future."
"I've said it before and I'll continue saying it: Stacey is an awesome singer, she's highly skilled and very committed. Looking forward to doing the next project with her!"
"Brent did a fantastic job with my track! He was easy to work with and very professional. I very much look forward to working with him again on future projects!"
"Rosanna is a total pro! Amazing voice and fun to work with. "
"great to work with marco"
"I had some songs that were basic ideas that Gosteffects turned into fully realized pieces through further composing and enhancing what I had: a string of ideas turned into a full symphonic composition. I can’t say eno..."
"Another song with Daniel is in the books!! Every single time that I work with him, I find something new to love about him!! He can absolutely weave anything into gold and it's just so fun working with him! Everyone..."
"Another great session with Andres and his team. He always delivers great results and I can't recommend him enough!"
"I absolutely loved working with Martín. They were thoughtful and clear while building on my initial them. I enjoyed our back and forth ideas and felt I had an opportunity to incorporate some of my own ideas into the..."