Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Calum Scott 'Biblical' engineer
Mixing, production and engineering credits include Dua Lipa, Calum Scott and Kylie Minogue
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Seasoned engineer still enchanted by music.
ATARI WU is Polish electronic music producer. In 2012 he formed a band xxanaxx, which became very popular in Poland. He is published by SONY ATV, and signed to WARNER Music Poland. At this moment he is working on his debut solo album. He is also a great mix and mastering engineer.
Helping you make your Tracks get to the Top 10 is my passion.
I am a composer and producer from India producing music of various genres like World music, bollywood, jazz & blues, pop, soft rock, ballad and other traditional to contemporary music.
I like cutting records that have a longer shelflife than A BigMac
I’m a well-versed drummer & percussionist with over 12 years of experience. I grew up in the marching arts world, so the metronome and I are very good friends. Send me a message and let’s make some amazing music together.
House of Blues residency singer
Recent Successes
"one of the best people you get to know in a life ! talented, honest, professional, respectful , was amazing fun time working with Trevor. "
"Jason delivered exactly as briefed, great sound, great technique, great feel. Turnaround in 24 hours! We will be working on more tracks in future"
"Christoffer nailed my mix with his mastering prowess almost instantly, and with almost no adjustments needed. I was like, "This is impossible, I need to criticise at least something.., ." But Christoffer made it happe..."
"Fred was very easy to work with and was very quick and responsive. He go the master done in less than one day and delivered a great product. I was very happy with the way the song turned out. I recommend him for sure."
"another phenomenal track with otto's talented songwriting and, above all, extraordinary voice has created. you make something unique out of the songs ! come back for more. for sure =)"
"Chloe recorded vocals to my song exactly as I required, and she is quite clearly an exceptionally talented vocalist. 10 out of 10."
"Eyal was amazing on the drums once again and was extremely helpful in mixing his ideas in and also replicating drum loop parts I wanted for the song. Did a great job recording and referencing the tonality of what I wa..."