Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Calivania
I can produce full instrumentals for you. Additionally, I can provide full vocal/songwriting work. Mixing & Mastering available upon request. I can also DJ your live event - from weddings to conventions.. to club nights & raves. I am an open-format DJ with experience in a plethora of genres. If needed, I can act as a talent buyer for you.
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Keyboardist, Producer, Composer, Mixing & Mastering Engineer
Professional audio engineer with a passion for bringing projects from conception to reality. I have 4 years of extensive experience in recording and mixing for both post-production and music. I have worked with artist such as SZA, Trey Songz, Dave East, 070 Shake, and many more.
I am focusing on the vital elements that makes the music sound come alive (nobody can teach that) not to produce only .wav files like most of the "overthinking" would do.. If you want your stuff to reach the psychoacoustic qualities that a mix, master can do and not just "believe" your music sounds a certain way hit me up and experience it.
Any style with a smile. :)
Grow your funk. Keeping the faith.
I can produce full instrumentals for you. Additionally, I can provide full vocal/songwriting work. Mixing & Mastering available upon request. I can also DJ your live event - from weddings to conventions.. to club nights & raves. I am an open-format DJ with experience in a plethora of genres. If needed, I can act as a talent buyer for you.
I'm a professional guitarist specialised in progressive metal, I also play all genres of music.
I am musicologist and composer/song-writer with years of experience in audio production. I have produced background music for indie video-games, anime openings, indie bands and more. I feel comfortable producing for the following genres: Rock, metal, pop, jazz and latin.
Recent Successes
"Dylan immediately understood what type of sound and vibe I was aiming for - Which is not as easy as you'd think. He's an amazing drummer, and incredibly easy to work with! "
"It was my first song and I was insecure about how will the project move on. It took us a month to work on my song because we were having missing tracks and few difficulties. But this whole month Gerard been patient an..."
"I've just started my 2nd project with Austin... That says it all;-)"
"Such a pleasure to work with, by far the most versatile engineer I know! Always tailors every master to client needs, regardless of the genre. "
"Gosteffects provided an excellent mix of my track, was highly professional in all interactions, very communicative and easy to work with! Highly recommended!"
"Mark is a consummate professional with infinite patience and infectious enthusiasm. He has amazing skills and gave me several different bass options/tracks for my song. And if I wanted another take, he was always will..."
"great latin hook and verse writer, music always comes out good!!"
"John is a total pro, great player, tone, communication, and just a good dude. I've used John for repeat projects and highly recommend him to get incredible, thoughtful bass parts for your tracks. "
"As always sparrow is the queen of vocals and delivers professional top quality everytime with such a unique style that is truly original. So grateful for her. "