Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Cahill Kelly
Tasteful analog mastering, mixing & music production for vinyl and digital. available for both big to local artists from every genre. Whether you're experienced in releasing records or this is your first, I'll review your mixes and answer any questions step-by-step to make sure you get the best results. Get it done fast or learn a trick or two.
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Argentinean latin female pop producer composer and sound engineer
RECOVER YOUR VOICE. By means of proprietary and very advanced techniques of analysis and spectral treatment, uncommon in professional audio processes, we could model the sonority to fit within the arrangement, and recover the natural timbre that all microphones alter The voice would then appear in your mix with perfect clarity and presence.
Been a performing songwriter for 8 years and can write in a number of styles and genres.
Instincts are powerful .
I, uh, sing sometimes and write a little.
Independent Music Producer & Recording Artist
Alto & soprano saxophonist with heart!
My name is Clifford Dcosta, and I am reaching out to offer my services as a freelance live sound engineer. Recently, I have changed my nationality to Portuguese and am now based in Mumbai, India. With extensive experience in both Front of House (FOH) and monitor mixing, I am well-equipped to handle a range of live sound engineering needs.
Recent Successes
"Working with Chad was mypleasure . Super talented, great person and an awesome musician. This collaborating with him was great experience for me. Look forward to my next projects."
"I am so happy with what Elliot did with my track! Very professional and honest. He gave me some tips and I got my track in only a FEW HOURS. Thank you Elliot, and I will be coming back to work with you again. "
"Another Job done by the one and only! Thanks again. A Professional with High quality of work & Service, and an overall Legend."
"She is amazing in all the styles , and very precise with the tempo ! Love her groove !!! Very professional as usual 🙌"
"Always delivering amazing quality! "
"She is so amazing and her vocal is stunning. When she sent the project, I’m like OMG 😳 she really did like Ariana Grande, she’s really responsive, and nice. I kinda gonna work with her again for sure! "
"Working with Jenny was straight-froward - excellent, inspired results - clean, balanced and captivating performances (3 unisons, each with a different vibe, for each of 3 songs - 9 tracks total). Thank you Jenny, off..."
"Jake is a pleasure to work with. Incredible vocals and delivered promptly. Would definitely recommend and will be back to work again! "