Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with C.H.O.P.
I will produce high quality tracks and mix in your vocals, I keep a high standard for my tracks and you will not be disappointed by them.
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Grammy/AMA Nominated music team. We lately have been doing mostly music for film and TV. (POWER, Empire, STAR, Lego Batman Movie, AntMan, Spider-Man, etc) We can provide: Male/female voices for Rap, Singing, Voice-Over, etc. Beats and production in just about any genre. *QUICK TURNAROUND* Extra fee for mixes.
Fat Sounds & Slim Rates
My aim is help artists fully realise the initial concept of their music. Providing an unobtrusive environment and support which will allow them to perform at their best.
Assistant Engineer to Jason Maas (Citizen, Counterparts, Title Fight)
High-caliber film composing and music production focused on bringing your artistic vision to life!
Quality, cost-benefit mixing, mastering, and live or programmed drum tracks for your project. Featuring the best of both analog and modern digital tools, specialized in small-scale projects for the rising artist.
Solo recording artist. Songwriter/Guitarist. Can also play bass and drums.
"Hello, I am a sound engineer and a seasoned artist with two decades of experience in the creative industry. Over the past decade, I've honed my expertise in sound engineering, mastering the craft of capturing and shaping audio to perfection.
Recent Successes
"François is one guy who sticks to his promise. He promised us a good mix and gave us just that. He was always present when we needed to discuss things and was always a good listener unlike most people. I hired a mixin..."
"Man, Chris is easily becoming my go-to producer. I couldn't have any more confidence in him than I do now, that he is able to take the melody ideas and craft an amazing production! "
"HandPercussionTracks did awesome percussion tracks for me very creative and sent me tracks along the way to hear to make sure we were on the same page. Excellent service!"
"Absolute top class drum and sound from Alex. Great to work with again and again! Thankyou Alex!!"
"Excellent engineering quality, simple and effective. Understands the track well and compliments it with his ability."
"Marco never disappoints. Whenever I can I try to use his keys as they add so much depth and character to my productions, while still staying tru to my arrangements. I can't recommend him enough. He is a real pro both ..."
"I hired Peter to advise on my material and his feedback was immensely valuable. Peter has a wealth of knowledge and experience as a musician, music engineer, composer, arranger, and producer. His insights and detailed..."