Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with byt
Hyginus is a singer, songwriter, composer,, drummer and a performer.
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I'm an electronic music producer with a high end acoustically treated studio.
Just nominated for a Grammy on Los Texmaniacs album. I love soundtrack and song work. Love playing on Culturally Diverse Projects and Songwriter Stuff. I supply 3 tracks to choose from pads and textures, counterpoint rhythm stuff. Love collaborating with creative people.
I believe a collaboration and have already had very good experiences with it!!!
Aiko Rohd is an multi-platinum award winning music producer & mixing engineer based in Berlin. With more than 25 years in the music industry behind him, Aiko has numerous top chart entries, number ones, gold and platinum awards to his credit. ///
Matthew Lahkhan has nearly 15 years professional musical experience on the international stage, with a career spanning four continents. Having discovered his passion for music at an early age, he dedicates himself to creating soundtracks that help bring out the magic in every project, whether it be a video game, film or other media.
Established electronic musician, I specialise in working with analog and modular synths and drum machines. I work on film soundtracks, ambient and dance music. If you need a producer to finish your track with the best sounding synths and drum machines available I'm your man. I also help with arrangements, mix and sound design.
Give your project the quality it deserves at a price you can afford. Isaac has written and produced material for video games, films, advertisements, and rock groups. With over twenty years of production and writing experience and a bachelor's degree in music, he will elevate your project beyond expectations!
Synthwave Producer with over 2.5 Million streams on Spotify and founder of the biggest Synthwave playlist “Synthwave Sounds”. Currently owner of XENNON Studios, a top mixing and mastering studio near Newcastle Upon Tyne.
Recent Successes
"I'm very happy because TMR fund the solution I was searching for. I know who to reach if i have other questions in the same area"
"From the first letter in our conversation James was very proffesional. He answered my questions with ease, he suggested things that really suited my song. He did a mix that I'm so very much satisfied with. He did revi..."
"Great producer! Still working with Austin!"
"Second time working with Eric. Really cool synth lines and sounds design on super short notice!"
"Working with Brendan was great. It was easy to communicate our ideas. We had a few revisions that all went smooth and made for a great end product.. I would work with Brendan again."
"It was a pleasure working with Suwon, we will definitely come back to her! Very tasteful playing, so much soul. "
"Working with a professional like Austin makes it so much easier. Good communications, very responsive, great ideas and excellent skills. My song was mixed and mastered just as I wanted. And the remix he made on my son..."
"my new track is going to BOP in the club thanks to Gosteffects"