Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with BWS
Premium Rock & Heavy Music Production Unleash the Power of Your Sound! Elevate your Rock and Metal creations at our state-of-the-art studio. Immerse yourself in unparalleled audio excellence with cutting-edge equipment and a team of passionate experts. Your music deserves the best – book your session now for an unforgettable sonic journey!
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Studio 21 is a Studio based in Adelaide Australia run by Producer Daniel Giglio, Specializing in Mixing and Mastering of Genres Rock, Punk, Pop Punk, Metal and Hardcore. We are more than willing to help on any genre or any tracks no matter how big or small.
Owner of Mandylion Records and Studio Located in Montreal. We Sound Different. Analog & hybrid Recordings. Cassette Duplication.
Bassist for Paramore, Hayley Williams, and HalfNoise- Check out Hayley Williams' album "Petals For Armor" to hear my latest work. Let's collaborate together :) I would love to play bass on your song - hit me up and lets talk about it!
I can make your voice sound in tune without losing its naturalness.
Elevate your film with an ultramodern score featuring cinematic textures, cutting edge techniques and story driven melody. As a classically trained cellist, electronic musician, and engineer, my music is a perfect match for your sci-fi, fantasy, and art films.
Professional multiple gold and platinum awarded music producer and remixer with over 25 Mio. Streams...
I'm a youtube famous cover singer and have sang lead on two Billboard top ten dance chart hits. I've also done extensive demo work for legendary producer David Foster.
Oy folks, Hi! I'm a guitarist specializing in curating the moste unique guitar parts for your sessions of all styles. Rock, Blues, Funk, Afro, etc, I got you covered! Avoiding clichés, I strive to create what the song calls for. I'll add flavor to your track with my own personal touch whilst making the most appropriate choices.
Recent Successes
"Yee Haw, this boy completed a great mix and master of my Country song. It's almost as if he grew up in Texas... or Nashville - great Country sensibilities. I won't hesitate to use him again on any genre of music actu..."
"Taylor is awsome! He pushed our song to a new and cool direction and he was really super patient with us! Higly recommanded!"
"It's always fun to work with her. She's a vocalist who knows exactly what I mean. She sings really well."
"A great pleasure working with Santi, he was very attentive to details and made revisions according to my directions as well, he brought the best of the song forward and made a great vibe. Would definitely work again w..."
"Paul, thank you very much for the Sessions. I greatly appreciate it. "
"Rose is always a joy to work with. She has 1) impressive and unique creativity, she can 2) apply her creativity to various genres effectively, and 3) she handles inevitable road bumps that happen with any creative pr..."
"We were thrilled with the mastering job Mark did for us. He was brilliant to work with, job & revisions were fast and top quality. Highly recommend! "
"You can't go wrong working with Austin Leeds. He is the definition of a Pro. He definitely a master of his craft. We are definitely working with Austin again on another project "
"I've worked with chad a few times now and he has always delivered very professional guitar and band arrangements! He has a great ear and is open to trying new ideas! Highly recommend! "