Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Bryan Sutton
I am in the Nashville area, and have access to premier studios at Middle Tennessee State University, where I am pursing a graduate degree in recording. I have run live sound for many various artists, ranging from Eric Paisley to Bryan Sutton, but am pursing a more full time career in studio mixing here in Tennessee.
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I love to help people make and finish great records. I specialize in recording and mixing engineering, full band and in-the-box music production, as well as being a multi-instrumentalist session player. Honestly, whatever you need! And if I can't do it, I can refer you to seasoned professionals who can.
I am Joe lington Professional French and English singer , songwriter, and producer/engineer, composer R&B, Soul and Dance music on 14+ years of producing music experience and singing, natural ear for melodies,
Revive your Mix and Mastering by Blowing my soul...
I love mixing and producing, to create sonic worlds and journeys. And I like to fuck things up in a positive way. I'm a composer/songwriting, that also happens to be mixing and producing German indie artists like Sandra Hüller, Kliffs, Vögel die Erde essen, Daniel Freitag and Mascha Juno.
Ro Myra isolates moments and emotions with surgical precision, and she sings with a weathered grace that makes even hard truths go down easy.
Musician with an eclectic musical palate | arranger, producer, creator
Kicy é um artista Trap Disponível em todas as plataformas de streaming acompanhe.
faço um monte de barulho de nave caindo ficar dançante
Recent Successes
"This is the second country song I've worked on with Brandon and again, he far exceeded my expectations. He works fast, is easy to communicate with and turns out a final product that will best represents the song. In p..."
"Another phenomenal project completed with Alex! He mastered 6 tracks for me in a very short period of time, and was able to accurately diagnose issues on one of my songs that even my producer wasn't aware of. Alex ..."
"Excellent Job, Delivered exactly as promised "
"I was honestly breathtaken by his Rioux's performance on the first attempt of the rap I provided him. I personally thought that it would be a bit difficult to perform, but it seemed like he performed it with such ease..."
"Thomas delivered again in a big way! We did 3 songs this time and his work was wonderful! Mark Dolin"
"Right on target, Rachel's lyrics were an excellent match for the tone of my music. Thanks Rachel."
"Very fast (not at the expense of anything really) and super easy to work with! Dan made my song clear, crisp and ready for the radio. There was a pretty big difference quality wise as well which was done through the m..."
"Awesome to work with and very talented singer!"