Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Bryan McAllister
Whether Shoegaze, Grunge, Hardcore, Dream Pop, Indie, Country, or Soul, impactful and vibrant mixes are vital for all modern genres in order to compete in the oversaturated music market of todays world. My name is Colin Christian and I have dedicated my life to making the most engaging records I can with my clients.
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Starting out producer/engineer/artist/songwriter looking to get linked in with the correct contacts that will better place/use my talents as an artist and above listed skills. Currently a Student at MetalWorks Sound Institute (mississauga)
I want to add feeling and performance to your project and make it sparkle! This is my full-time profession for years and I do it well. Singing in the studio is different than live singing! I'm experienced and know how to bring a song alive in a recording. *I WILL DO MY BEST TO WORK WITH YOUR BUDGET.*
Katie Buchanan is a singer/songwriter and producer. She plays guitar loudly, drinks whiskey slowly, and writes songs that beg for a second listen.
I make unique beats I sell them on https://www.beatstars.com/yvngstar
Ukrainian producer, film composer and beatmaker with over 7 years of experience. I have composed music for a bunch of TV commercials for major local and international brands (even recorded an opera vocals for a TV commercial starring Gal Gadot), scored 3 Ukrainian films, a theater play (awarded) and made a lot of nice beats and smaller projects.
Unlimited revisions until you're completely happy! Drum and vocal production are what I do best, indie, rock, folk, and songwriter are my main genres. Send me your project and a couple reference tracks and I'll get to work!
Mix and Mastering engineer. Film Scoring Composer
Over 30mln views on YouTube and Spotify
Recent Successes
"Great musician who easily can deliver a masterpiece. His Clarinet and Sax skills is top notch and he plays his instruments with his heart and soul. Highly recommended. "
"A great pleasure working with Max, He really ensured that I got everything I wanted out of the track we made. Would definitely work with him again and recommend a professional with his ability and skills to anyone."
"Really brought my project full circle, couldn't be happier. Phenomenal musician and would highly recommend"
"He has really amazing mixing skills! I highly recommend for many producers and composers who have difficulty in mixing:)"
"Once again, Bill has done a great job with my music. His professionalism and response time is excellent and the work is top quality. I’ve worked with him multiple times and plan on doing more projects with him."
"Highly professional, great sound, expressive playing, intelligent approach, very quick response time on what was an incredibly challenging timeline. Thank you!"
"Jimmy is a great engineer to work with and just a cool dude. His insightfulness, genuineness, and sense of humor are all a breath of fresh air! He works carefully and efficiently , the master he provided me was top..."
"Pilar really goes the extra mile, and she has a lovely voice. More than happy to work with you to get you what you need. Book without hesitation!"
"Incredible quality results. 10/10"