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Browns Mills Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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LA Based Professional singer. Have worked as demo singer, ghost singer, originals, session vocalist, voice over, live performance. Have over 15 years experience in studio. Sung with: Steve Vai, Steven Adler, Sweet, Winery Dogs, Tiffany, The Bulletboys, Tyler Bates, Ultimate Jam Night LA, Paulie Z, Plastic Rhino.
Tree Top Audio is a Toledo Ohio professional recording studio owned and operated by Emilio Alvarado. With over a decade of music experience, both in and out of the studio, Emilio prides himself on delivering an authentic, unique sound to every artist that walks through the door.
Trained in advanced bel canto style and university choir for 2 years which have immensely improved my musical ear, making me capable of effortlessly harmonizing over anything and creating vocal melodies and hooks. Also have experience as a vocal sessionist and can provide samples upon request. Please include your deadline in your proposal.
Peace all, TiDUS here. I'm what the industry calls an "Anomaly", I PRODUCE my own music, SING/RAP on it , RECORD it AND MIX it myself. My team and I have had some INDEPENDENT SUCCESS (over 16 million plays on Spotify). As we continue to expand I'd like to work with other artists so give me a shout! All reference songs prod. by me!
Latin Grammy nominated producer, cellist and arranger.
I'm communicative, efficient, and affordable. When you work with me, I'll send you more mixes than any other mixer and every mix will have incorporated your notes.
I am a mixed media visual artist, surreal photographer, filmmaker, and editor currently based in Portland, Oregon.
I sing with my soul. I love music, vocals, write my own songs and learn how to mix tracks
Recent Successes
"Great service, excellent production. Better sound asked for a review again. *****+ stars!"
"Quick turnout, nice communicator and great musician. Will repeat!"
"Denny is pure Pro! His Pedal Steel expertise added exactly what we were looking for. His performance was tasteful - not underplaying or overplaying... Just right: That's what pro really means, after all. He obviously..."
"I was looking for someone who is up to speed with the latest in sounds and Gekko delivered and more. Gekko restructured my song so it’s more commercial Thanks Gekko Coming back for sure."
"Done! I've completed my first EP with Chad. One for the books for sure! This has been such a rewarding experience for me. This whole process has definitely exceeded any expectations I've might of had before the start ..."
"I'm happy, again and again to work with Nicolas. "
"It was a pleasure working with Andres. He is not only a great mastering engineer, but he provided a great amount of help in the mixing process as well. I hope to work with him again."
"Birk is the best. I really enjoy working with him. An incredible producer!!!"
"Did a great job and did what was asked for. Good communication and good voice. :)"
"Dani was awesome to work with! Her voice has amazing qualities which make the track we worked on stand out. Dani also has great songs of her own! Look forward to more great things from Dani!"